(view source code of hardware.bat as plain text)
:: Check Windows version
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
:: Use variables locally
:: Check if FINDSTR and WMIC are available
FINDSTR.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO Syntax
WMIC.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO Syntax
:: Set initial and default values
SET _40_Spaces= % 40 spaces %
SET idxCPU=0
SET idxHDD=0
SET idxNIC=0
SET idxVDU=0
SET Node=%ComputerName%
:: Check command line argument
IF NOT "%~2"=="" GOTO Syntax
ECHO.%* | FINDSTR.EXE /R /C:"[/?]" >NUL && GOTO Syntax
IF "%~1"=="" (SET Node=%ComputerName%) ELSE (SET Node=%~1)
:: Check validity of node name
ECHO.%Node%| FINDSTR.EXE /R /C:"[/?*,;:/\\&<>+ ]" >NUL && GOTO Syntax
PING %Node% -n 2 2>NUL | FIND "TTL=" >NUL || GOTO Syntax
:: Initialize log file
FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2-7 delims=," %%A IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:csv') DO (
SET Today=%%F%%D%%A
SET Now=%%B%%C%%E
SET Log=Hardware_%Today%_%Now%.csv
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
:: Create a header with the computer name
CALL :CreateLine "Host" "Name=%ComputerName%"
SET csvHostName=%Value%
SET hdrHostName=%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvHostName
SET hdrHostName
:: Run inventory; Component Subroutine's 4th argument may be modified to change the detail level; See comments in Component Subroutine
CALL :Component "BaseBoard" "BaseBoard" "Manufacturer Product Version" "0"
CALL :Chassis
CALL :Component "CPU" "CPU" "Name CurrentClockSpeed Manufacturer MaxClockSpeed SocketDesignation" "2"
CALL :Component "Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray" "Memory" "MemoryDevices" "0" "Banks"
CALL :Component "Win32_PhysicalMemory" "Memory Module" "Capacity" "3"
CALL :Component "Win32_PhysicalMemory" "Memory Module" "Speed" "4"
CALL :HardDisk
CALL :Component "Win32_VideoController" "VideoCard" "AdapterRAM Name VideoModeDescription" "2"
CALL :Ports
CALL :Slots
CALL :Component "BIOS" "BIOS" "Manufacturer Name ReleaseDate Version" "0"
:: Concatenate text and write to CSV file
SET csvLine=%Today%,%Now%,%csvHostName%%csvBaseBoard%%csvChassis%%csvCPU%%csvWin32_PhysicalMemoryArray%%csvWin32_PhysicalMemory%%csvHardDisk%%csvCDROM%%csvWin32_VideoController%%csvNIC%%csvPorts%%csvSlots%%csvBIOS%
SET hdrLine=Date,Time,%hdrHostName%%hdrBaseBoard%%hdrChassis%%hdrCPU%%hdrWin32_PhysicalMemoryArray%%hdrWin32_PhysicalMemory%%hdrHardDisk%%hdrCDROM%%hdrWin32_VideoController%%hdrNIC%%hdrPorts%%hdrSlots%%hdrBIOS%
> %Log% ECHO.%hdrLine%
>> %Log% ECHO.%csvLine%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvLine
SET hdrLine
:: Done
:: * :: * :: * :: * :: Subroutines :: * :: * :: * :: * ::
FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2,3 delims=," %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% CDROM Get DeviceId^,Name /Format:csv') DO (
CALL :CreateLine "CD-ROM #!idxCDROM!" "Name=%%~B"
CALL :GetLength "%%~B"
SET /A Length = !Length! + 5
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=\" %%C IN ("%%~A") DO (
SET FwVer=%%~D
CALL SET FwVer=%%FwVer:~^!Length^!%%
SET FwVer=!FwVer:_=!
CALL :CreateLine "CD-ROM #!idxCDROM!" "InterfaceType=%%~C"
CALL :CreateLine "CD-ROM #!idxCDROM!" "FirmwareVersion=!FwVer!"
SET csvCDROM=!csvCDROM!,%%~B,%%~C,!FWVer!
SET hdrCDROM=!hdrCDROM!,CDROM#!idxCDROM! Name,CDROM#!idxCDROM! Interface,CDROM#!idxCDROM! FirmwareVersion
SET /A idxCDROM = idxCDROM + 1
CALL :CreateLine "CD-ROM" "Count=%idxCDROM%"
SET csvCDROM=%csvCDROM%,%Value%
SET hdrCDROM=%hdrCDROM%,%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
:: Based on Chassis.vbs, a VBScript to interogate a machine's
:: chassis type, by Guy Thomas http://computerperformance.co.uk/
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=={}" %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% SystemEnclosure Get ChassisTypes /format:list') DO (
IF %%A EQU 1 SET csvChassis=,Maybe Virtual Machine
IF %%A EQU 2 SET csvChassis=,??
IF %%A EQU 3 SET csvChassis=,Desktop
IF %%A EQU 4 SET csvChassis=,Thin Desktop
IF %%A EQU 5 SET csvChassis=,Pizza Box
IF %%A EQU 6 SET csvChassis=,Mini Tower
IF %%A EQU 7 SET csvChassis=,Full Tower
IF %%A EQU 8 SET csvChassis=,Portable
IF %%A EQU 9 SET csvChassis=,Laptop
IF %%A EQU 10 SET csvChassis=,Notebook
IF %%A EQU 11 SET csvChassis=,Hand Held
IF %%A EQU 12 SET csvChassis=,Docking Station
IF %%A EQU 13 SET csvChassis=,All in One
IF %%A EQU 14 SET csvChassis=,Sub Notebook
IF %%A EQU 15 SET csvChassis=,Space-Saving
IF %%A EQU 16 SET csvChassis=,Lunch Box
IF %%A EQU 17 SET csvChassis=,Main System Chassis
IF %%A EQU 18 SET csvChassis=,Lunch Box
IF %%A EQU 19 SET csvChassis=,SubChassis
IF %%A EQU 20 SET csvChassis=,Bus Expansion Chassis
IF %%A EQU 21 SET csvChassis=,Peripheral Chassis
IF %%A EQU 22 SET csvChassis=,Storage Chassis
IF %%A EQU 23 SET csvChassis=,Rack Mount Unit
IF %%A EQU 24 SET csvChassis=,Sealed-Case PC
SET hdrChassis=,Chassis Type
CALL :CreateLine "Chassis" "Type=%csvChassis:,=%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvChassis
SET hdrChassis
:: %1 = "Component Name or Alias", e.g. "BIOS", "HDD", "Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray"
:: %2 = "Component Friendly Name", e.g. "BIOS", "Harddisk", "Memory"
:: %3 = "Alphabetized Properties List", e.g. "Manufacturer Product Version"
:: %4 = "Multiple Instances", 0=No, 1=List, 2=Count Number, 3=Count Value, 4=Count Number But Don't Show Count, e.g. "0" for BaseBoard, BIOS, "1" for CD-ROM, Harddisk, Memory Modules, "2" for CPU, Memory Banks, "3" for Memory Capacity
:: %5 = "Property Alias", use only on single property queries, will replace the property name
SET Alias=%~1
IF /I "%Alias:~0,6%"=="Win32_" SET Alias=Path %Alias%
SET Properties=%~3
IF "%~4"=="0" (
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:%Node% %Alias% Get %Properties: =^^^,% /Format:List ^| FIND.EXE "="') DO (
IF "%~5"=="" (
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "%%~A=%%~B"
) ELSE (
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "%~5=%%~B"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%~4"=="1" (
SET idxInstance=0
FOR %%A IN (%Properties%) DO SET LastProperty=%%A
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:%Node% %Alias% Get %Properties: =^^^,% /Format:List ^| FIND.EXE "="') DO (
CALL :CreateLine "%~2 #!idxInstance!" "%%~A=%%~B"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%%~A"=="!LastProperty!" SET /A idxInstance = !idxInstance! + 1
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "Count=!idxInstance!"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%~4"=="2" (
SET idxInstance=0
FOR %%A IN (%Properties%) DO SET LastProperty=%%A
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:%Node% %Alias% Get %Properties: =^^^,% /Format:List ^| FIND.EXE "="') DO (
IF "!idxInstance!"=="0" (
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "%%~A=%%~B"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%%~A"=="!LastProperty!" SET /A idxInstance = !idxInstance! + 1
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "Count=!idxInstance!"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%~4"=="3" (
SET idxInstance=0
SET TotalCount=0
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:%Node% %Alias% Get %Properties: =^^^,% /Format:List ^| FIND.EXE "="') DO (
CALL SET /A TotalCount = !TotalCount! + %%~B
SET /A idxInstance = !idxInstance! + 1
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "Capacity=!TotalCount!"
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "Count=!idxInstance!"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%~4"=="4" (
SET idxInstance=0
FOR %%A IN (%Properties%) DO SET LastProperty=%%A
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:%Node% %Alias% Get %Properties: =^^^,% /Format:List ^| FIND.EXE "="') DO (
IF "!idxInstance!"=="0" (
CALL :CreateLine "%~2" "%%~A=%%~B"
CALL SET csv%~1=!csv%~1!,!Value!
CALL SET hdr%~1=!hdr%~1!,!csvProperty!
IF "%%~A"=="!LastProperty!" SET /A idxInstance = !idxInstance! + 1
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
CALL SET csv%~1
CALL SET hdr%~1
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a IN ("%~2") DO (
SET csvProperty=%~1 %%~a
SET Property=%~1 %%~a%_40_Spaces%
SET Value=%%~b
ECHO.%Property:~0,40%= %Value%
SET Var=%~1
SET Length=0
FOR /L %%Z IN (80,-1,0) DO (
IF "!Var:~%%Z,1!"=="" SET Length=%%Z
SET Var=
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('WMIC DiskDrive Where "SCSITargetID Is Not Null" Get Index^,InterfaceType^,Model^,Size /Format:list ^| FIND "="') DO (
ECHO.%%A | FIND /I "Index=" >NUL
CALL :CreateLine "HardDisk #!Index!" "%%~A"
CALL SET csvHardDisk=!csvHardDisk!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrHardDisk=!hdrHardDisk!,!csvProperty!
) ELSE (
SET /A Index = %Index% + 1
CALL :CreateLine "HardDisk" "Count=%Index%"
SET csvHardDisk=%csvHardDisk%,%Value%
SET hdrHardDisk=%hdrHardDisk%,%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvHardDisk
SET hdrHardDisk
FOR /F "tokens=2-5 delims=," %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Get AdapterType^,MACAddress^,Manufacturer^,ProductName /Format:csv ^| FIND /I ",Ethernet" ^| FIND /I /V ",Microsoft,"') DO (
CALL :CreateLine "NIC #!idxNIC!" "AdapterType=%%~A"
CALL SET csvNIC=!csvNIC!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrNIC=!hdrNIC!,!csvProperty!
CALL :CreateLine "NIC #!idxNIC!" "MACAddress=%%~B"
CALL SET csvNIC=!csvNIC!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrNIC=!hdrNIC!,!csvProperty!
CALL :CreateLine "NIC #!idxNIC!" "Manufacturer=%%~C"
CALL SET csvNIC=!csvNIC!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrNIC=!hdrNIC!,!csvProperty!
CALL :CreateLine "NIC #!idxNIC!" "ProductName=%%~D"
CALL SET csvNIC=!csvNIC!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrNIC=!hdrNIC!,!csvProperty!
FOR /F "tokens=3 delims=," %%E IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% /Namespace:"\\root\WMI" Path MSNdis_LinkSpeed Where Active^=TRUE Get InstanceName^,NdisLinkSpeed /Format:csv ^| FIND ",%%~D,"') DO (
CALL :CreateLine "NIC #!idxNIC!" "NdisLinkSpeed=%%~E"
CALL SET csvNIC=!csvNIC!,!Value!
CALL SET hdrNIC=!hdrNIC!,!csvProperty!
SET /A idxNIC = !idxNIC! + 1
CALL :CreateLine "NIC" "Count=%idxNIC%"
CALL SET csvNIC=%csvNIC%,%Value%
CALL SET hdrNIC=%hdrNIC%,%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_USBController Get Name /Format:list 2^>NUL ^| FIND /C "="') DO CALL :CreateLine "USB" "Ports=%%A"
SET csvPorts=,%Value%
SET hdrPorts=,%csvProperty%
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_ParallelPort Get Name /Format:list 2^>NUL ^| FIND /C "="') DO CALL :CreateLine "Parallel" "Ports=%%A"
SET csvPorts=%csvPorts%,%Value%
SET hdrPorts=%hdrPorts%,%csvProperty%
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_SerialPort Get Name /Format:list 2^>NUL ^| FIND /C "="') DO CALL :CreateLine "Serial" "Ports=%%A"
SET csvPorts=%csvPorts%,%Value%
SET hdrPorts=%hdrPorts%,%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvPorts
SET hdrPorts
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_SystemSlot Get SlotDesignation /Format:List 2^>NUL ^| FINDSTR /R /I /C:"=AGP" ^| FIND /C "="') DO SET AGPSlots=%%A
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_SystemSlot Get SlotDesignation /Format:List 2^>NUL ^| FINDSTR /R /I /C:"=PCI" ^| FIND /C "="') DO SET PCISlots=%%A
FOR /F %%A IN ('WMIC /Node:%Node% Path Win32_SystemSlot Get SlotDesignation /Format:List 2^>NUL ^| FIND /C "="') DO SET AllSlots=%%A
SET /A OtherSlots = %AllSlots% - %AGPSlots% - %PCISlots%
CALL :CreateLine "AGP Slot" "Count=%AGPSlots%"
SET csvSlots=,%Value%
SET hdrSlots=,%csvProperty%
CALL :CreateLine "PCI Slot" "Count=%PCISlots%"
SET csvSlots=%csvSlots%,%Value%
SET hdrSlots=%hdrSlots%,%csvProperty%
CALL :CreateLine "Other Slots" "Count=%PCISlots%"
SET csvSlots=%csvSlots%,%Value%
SET hdrSlots=%hdrSlots%,%csvProperty%
IF NOT "%Debug%"=="" (
SET csvSlots
SET hdrSlots
ECHO Hardware.bat, Version 3.10 for Windows XP Professional and later
ECHO Display hardware summary for any WMI enabled computer on the network
ECHO Usage: HARDWARE [ computer ]
ECHO Where: "computer" is the computer to be checked (default is local system)
ECHO Notes: Requires WMIC, which is native in Windows XP Professional and
ECHO Windows Server 2003.
ECHO The results are displayed on screen in list format, and written
ECHO to a "time stamped" CSV file named Hardware_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss.csv.
ECHO To debug, SET environment variable DEBUG to anything and run again.
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com
IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ENDLOCAL
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0139 seconds