(view source code of getres.ps as plain text)
# Remote computer argument for Windows only, not for Linux
param( [string]$computer = "." )
if ( $HOME[0] -eq "/" ) {
# Linux
# Command line argument is ignored.
# Less info than Windows' WMI version.
# xrandr/Select-String tip by diegows on StackOverflow.com
# http://superuser.com/a/418700
$info = ( xrandr | Select-String -Pattern "\*" ) -split "\s+"
Write-Host "DeviceName : "
Write-Host "PelsWidth : " ( $info[1] -split "x" )[0]
Write-Host "PelsHeight : " ( $info[1] -split "x" )[1]
Write-Host "BitsPerPel : "
Write-Host "DisplayFrequency : " ( $info[2] -split "\*" )[0]
} else {
# This PowerShell code for Windows was generated using the WMI Code Generator, Version 10.0 RC3
# http://www.robvanderwoude.com/wmigen.php
$instances = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_DisplayConfiguration" -Namespace "root/CIMV2" -Computername $computer
foreach ( $item in $instances ) {
Write-Host "DeviceName : " $item.DeviceName
Write-Host "PelsWidth : " $item.PelsWidth
Write-Host "PelsHeight : " $item.PelsHeight
Write-Host "BitsPerPel : " $item.BitsPerPel
Write-Host "DisplayFrequency : " $item.DisplayFrequency
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0088 seconds