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Source code for getdde.vbs

(view source code of getdde.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim arrAssoc, arrKeys, arrSubKeys
  4. Dim blnFullCmdOnly
  5. Dim i, intValidArgs, j
  6. Dim objDic, objReg
  7. Dim strCommand, strDDEApp, strDDEExec, strDDETopic
  8. Dim strFileType, strKey, strSubKey, strSubSubKey
  10. Const HKCR = &H80000000
  12. blnFullCmdOnly = False
  13. intValidArgs   = 0
  15. ' No command line arguments required
  16. With WScript.Arguments
  17. 	If .Unnamed.Count > 0 Then Syntax
  18. 	If .Named.Count   > 0 Then
  19. 		If .Named.Exists( "H" ) Then
  20. 			intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
  21. 			WScript.Echo "Extension"          & vbTab _
  22. 			           & "File Type"          & vbTab _
  23. 			           & "Shell Command"      & vbTab _
  24. 			           & "DDE Server Command" & vbTab _
  25. 			           & "DDE Application"    & vbTab _
  26. 			           & "DDE Topic"          & vbTab _
  27. 			           & "DDE Client Command"
  28. 		End If
  29. 		If .Named.Exists( "F" ) Then
  30. 			intValidArgs   = intValidArgs + 1
  31. 			blnFullCmdOnly = True
  32. 		End If
  33. 		If intValidArgs <> .Named.Count Then Syntax
  34. 	End If
  35. End With
  37. Set objReg = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//./root/default:StdRegProv" )
  38. Set objDic = CreateObject( "Scripting.Dictionary" )
  40. ' List all keys in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hive
  41. objReg.EnumKey HKCR, "", arrKeys
  43. For i = 0 To UBound( arrKeys )
  44. 	' Store registered extensions and their associated file types in a dictionary
  45. 	If Left( arrKeys(i), 1 ) = "." Then
  46. 		objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, arrKeys(i), "", strFileType
  47. 		objDic.Item( strFileType) = arrKeys(i)
  48. 	End If
  49. 	' Check if any commands are available for a file type
  50. 	strSubKey = arrKeys(i) & "\shell"
  51. 	objReg.EnumKey HKCR, strSubKey, arrSubKeys
  52. 	If IsArray( arrSubKeys ) Then
  53. 		For j = 0 To UBound( arrSubKeys )
  54. 			strSubSubKey = arrKeys(i) & "\shell\" & arrSubKeys(j) & "\ddeexec"
  55. 			objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strSubSubKey, "", strDDEExec
  56. 			' DDE commands only
  57. 			If IsNull( strDDEExec ) Then Exit For
  58. 			strSubSubKey = arrKeys(i) & "\shell\" & arrSubKeys(j) & "\command"
  59. 			objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strSubSubKey, "", strCommand
  60. 			strSubSubKey = arrKeys(i) & "\shell\" & arrSubKeys(j) & "\ddeexec\Application"
  61. 			objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strSubSubKey, "", strDDEApp
  62. 			strSubSubKey = arrKeys(i) & "\shell\" & arrSubKeys(j) & "\ddeexec\Topic"
  63. 			objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strSubSubKey, "", strDDETopic
  64. 			If blnFullCmdOnly Then
  65. 				If IsNull( strDDEApp   ) Then Exit For
  66. 				If IsNull( strDDETopic ) Then Exit For
  67. 			End If
  68. 			' Display the DDE commands
  69. 			strFileType = Split( strSubSubKey, "\" )(0)
  70. 			WScript.Echo objDic.Item( strFileType ) & vbTab _
  71. 			           & strFileType   & vbTab _
  72. 			           & arrSubKeys(j) & vbTab _
  73. 			           & strCommand    & vbTab _
  74. 			           & strDDEApp     & vbTab _
  75. 			           & strDDETopic   & vbTab _
  76. 			           & strDDEExec
  77. 		Next
  78. 	End If
  79. 	arrSubKeys = ""
  80. Next
  82. Set objDic = Nothing
  83. Set objReg = Nothing
  86. Sub Syntax
  87. 	WScript.Echo vbCrLf _
  88. 	           & "GetDDE.vbs,  Version 1.00" _
  89. 	           & vbCrLf _
  90. 	           & "List DDE commands for all registered file types" _
  91. 	           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  92. 	           & "Usage:  CSCRIPT.EXE  //NoLogo  GETDDE.VBS  [ /F ]  [ /H ]" _
  93. 	           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  94. 	           & "Where:  /F    list fully defined DDE commands only, i.e. if either the DDE" _
  95. 	           & vbCrLf _
  96. 	           & "              Application or Topic is not defined, it will not be displayed." _
  97. 	           & vbCrLf _
  98. 	           & "        /H    display a header line." _
  99. 	           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  100. 	           & "Note:   Only one file extension will be listed for each registered file type." _
  101. 	           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  102. 	           & "Written by Rob van der Woude" _
  103. 	           & vbCrLf _
  104. 	           & ""
  105. 	WScript.Quit 1
  106. End Sub

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0087 seconds