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Source code for gconv.vbs

(view source code of gconv.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim i, strQuery
  5. With WScript.Arguments
  6. 	If .Named.Count   > 0 Then Syntax
  7. 	If .Unnamed.Count < 4 Then Syntax
  8. 	For i = 0 To .Unnamed.Count - 1
  9. 		strQuery = strQuery & "+" & .Unnamed(i)
  10. 	Next
  11. End With
  13. strQuery = Mid( strQuery, 2 )
  15. WScript.Echo GoogleUnitConversion( strQuery )
  18. Function GoogleUnitConversion( myQuery )
  19. ' Name:       GoogleUnitConversion
  20. ' Function:   Convert units using Google Calculater and Internet Explorer
  21. ' Usage:      WScript.Echo GoogleUnitConversion( "10+cm+in+inches" )
  22. ' Returns:    10 centimeters = 3.93700787 inches
  23. '
  24. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  25. '
  26. 	Dim blnTimedOut, i, j, objIE, objMatches, objRE, strAllText, strMatch, strPattern, strURL
  27. 	' Open the appropriate URL in Internet Explorer
  28. 	strURL = "" & myQuery & "&pws=0&hl=en&num=1"
  29. 	strPattern = "\)\s*" & Left( myQuery, InStr( myQuery, "+" ) -1 ) &  "\s*[^=]+\s*=\s*[\d\., ]+(\s+[a-z]+)*\s*" _
  30. 	           & Right( myQuery, Len( myQuery ) - InStrRev( myQuery, "+" ) )
  31. 	Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
  32. 	objIE.Visible = False
  33. 	objIE.Navigate2 strURL
  34. 	' Wait till IE is ready
  35. 	i = 0
  36. 	blnTimedOut = False
  37. 	Do While objIE.Busy
  38. 		WScript.Sleep 100
  39. 		i = i + 1
  40. 		' Time out after 10 seconds
  41. 		If i > 100 Then
  42. 			blnTimedOut = True
  43. 			Exit Do
  44. 		End If
  45. 	Loop
  46. 	' Retrieve the URL's text
  47. 	If Not blnTimedOut Then strAllText = objIE.Document.Body.InnerText
  48. 	' Close the Internet Explorer session
  49. 	objIE.Quit
  50. 	Set objIE = Nothing
  51. 	' Use a regular expression to extract the result from the web page
  52. 	Set objRE = New RegExp
  53. 	objRE.Global = True
  54. 	objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  55. 	objRE.Pattern = strPattern
  56. 	Set objMatches = objRE.Execute( strAllText )
  57. 	j = objMatches.Count - 1
  58. 	If j < 0 Then
  59. 		strMatch = ""
  60. 	Else
  61. 		strMatch = Trim( Mid( objMatches.Item(j).Value, 2 ) )
  62. 	End If
  63. 	Set objMatches = Nothing
  64. 	Set objRE = Nothing
  65. 	GoogleUnitConversion = strMatch
  66. End Function
  69. Sub Syntax( )
  70. 	Dim strMsg
  71. 	strMsg = "GConv.vbs,  Version 1.10" & vbCrLf _
  72. 	       & "Convert units using Google Calculater and Internet Explorer" _
  73. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  74. 	       & "Usage:    CSCRIPT  //NoLogo  GCONV.VBS  number  unit  IN  new_unit" _
  75. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  76. 	       & "E.g:      10  cm  in  inches" _
  77. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  78. 	       & "Returns:  10 centimeters = 3.93700787 inches" _
  79. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  80. 	       & "Written by Rob van der Woude" & vbCrLf _
  81. 	       & ""
  82. 	WScript.Echo strMsg
  83. 	WScript.Quit 1
  84. End Sub

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0086 seconds