(view source code of filedate.rex as plain text)
/* FileDate, Version 3.11 */
/* Cloned from the Norton Utilities for DOS */
/* Change date and time attributes of specified files */
/* Written by Rob van der Woude */
/* http://www.robvanderwoude.com */
/* Initialize RexxUtil */
If RxFuncQuery( "sysloadfuncs" ) <> 0 Then Do
Call RxFuncAdd "sysloadfuncs", "RexxUtil", "sysloadfuncs"
Call sysloadfuncs
/* Defaults */
filespec = "*.*"
dateattr = ""
timeattr = ""
newdate = ""
newtime = ""
/* Command line parsing */
Parse Upper Arg parameters
par. = ""
par.0 = 0
Do i = 1 By 1 Until parameters = ""
Parse Value parameters With par.i parameters
par.0 = par.0 + 1
If par.0 > 1 Then Do i = 1 To par.0
When Left( par.i, 2 ) = "/D" Then dateattr = SubStr( par.i, 3 )
When Left( par.i, 2 ) = "/T" Then timeattr = SubStr( par.i, 3 )
Otherwise filespec = par.i
Else Do
Call Syntax
/* Either a new date or a new time or both should be specified */
If dateattr||timeattr = "" Then Call Syntax
If dateattr <> "" Then Do
If Length( dateattr ) < 6 Then Call Syntax
If Pos( "-", dateattr ) > 0 Then Parse Value dateattr With dd"-"mm"-"yy
If Pos( "/", dateattr ) > 0 Then Parse Value dateattr With dd"/"mm"/"yy
If DataType( yy, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If DataType( mm, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If DataType( dd, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If yy < 100 Then yy = 2000 + yy
If mm < 10 Then mm = Right( mm, 2, "0" )
If dd < 10 Then dd = Right( dd, 2, "0" )
newdate = yy||"-"||mm||"-"||dd
If timeattr <> "" Then Do
If Pos( ":", timeattr ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If Length( timeattr ) < 4 Then Call Syntax
Parse Value timeattr With hh":"mn":"ss
When Pos( "A", mn ) = 0 Then nop
When Pos( "A", mn ) = 3 Then mm = left( mm, 2 )
When Pos( "P", mn ) = 0 Then nop
When Pos( "P", mn ) = 3 Then Do
mm = left( mm, 2 )
hh = hh + 12
Otherwise Call Syntax
If ss = "" Then ss = 0
If DataType( hh, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If DataType( mn, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If DataType( ss, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
If hh < 10 Then hh = Right( hh, 2, "0" )
If mn < 10 Then mn = Right( mn, 2, "0" )
If ss < 10 Then ss = Right( ss, 2, "0" )
newtime = hh||":"||mn||":"||ss
Call SysFileTree filespec, "file.", "FO"
If file.0 = 0 Then Do
Say "0D0A"X||"Invalid filespec or file not found"||"0D0A"X
Call Syntax
Else Do i = 1 to file.0
/* Retrieve old values for file date and time */
Parse Value SysGetFileDateTime( file.i, "M" ) With olddate oldtime
/* Set new values to old ones if not specified */
If newdate = "" Then newdate = olddate
If newtime = "" Then newtime = oldtime
/* Set new values */
Call SysSetFileDateTime file.i, newdate, newtime
/* Normal program termination */
Exit 0
Say "FileDate, Version 3.11 for Regina Rexx with RexxUtil"
Say "Inspired by the Norton Utilities for DOS"
Say "Change date and time attributes of specified files"
Say "Usage: FILEDATE.REX [ filespec ] /Ddd/mm/yy /Thh:mm:ss"
Say 'Where: "filespec" is the specification of the file(s) to be'
Say ' changed; wildcards allowed; default "*.*"'
Say ' "dd/mm/yy" is the new file date to be set'
Say ' "hh:mm:ss" is the new file time to be set'
Say "You may specify only a new file date or time, or both; the"
Say "options not specified will not be changed."
Say "The year may be specified in either 2 or 4 digits; if 2 digits"
Say "are used, 2000 is added to the specified year."
Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
Say "http://www.robvanderwoude.com"
Exit 1
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0090 seconds