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Source code for easter.rex

(view source code of easter.rex as plain text)

  1. /* Easter.rex,  Version 1.00 for Regina Rexx */
  2. /* Calculate Easter Day for a specified year */
  3. /* Written by Rob van der Woude              */
  4. /*             */
  6. /* Check command line parameters */
  7. Parse Arg year dummy
  8. If dummy <> "" Then Call Syntax
  9. thisYear = Substr( Date( "S" ), 1, 4 )
  10. If year = "" Then year = thisYear
  11. If DataType( year, "W" ) = 0 Then Call Syntax
  12. If year < 1752 Then Call Syntax
  13. If year > 3000 Then Call Syntax
  15. /* Calculate Easter Day using the instructions found at  */
  16. /* Simon Kershaw's "KEEPING THE FEAST"                   */
  17. /* */
  18. G  = year // 19 + 1
  19. S  = ( year - 1600 ) % 100 - ( year - 1600 ) % 400
  20. L  = ( ( ( year - 1400 ) % 100 ) * 8 ) % 25
  21. P1 = ( 30003 - 11 * G + S - L ) // 30
  22. P  = P1
  23. If P = 28 Then If G > 11 Then P = 27
  24. If P = 29 Then P = 28
  25. D  = ( year + ( year % 4 ) - ( year % 100 ) + ( year % 400 )) // 7
  26. D1 = ( 8 - D ) // 7
  27. P2 = ( 70003 + P ) // 7
  28. X  = ( ( 70004 - D - P ) // 7 ) + 1
  29. E  = P + X
  30. If E < 11 Then Do
  31. 	ED = E + 21
  32. 	EM = "March"
  33. End
  34. Else Do
  35. 	ED = E - 10
  36. 	EM = "April"
  37. End
  38. If year < thisYear Then is = "was"
  39. If year = thisYear Then is = "is"
  40. If year > thisYear Then is = "will be"
  42. /* Display the result */
  43. Say "In "||year||" Easter Day "||is||" "||EM||" "||ED
  45. /* Computer, end program */
  46. Exit 0
  48. Syntax:
  49. 	Say
  50. 	Say "Easter.rex,  Version 1.00 for Regina Rexx"
  51. 	Say "Calculate the date of Easter Day for the specified year."
  52. 	Say
  53. 	Say "Usage:  Regina  EASTER.REX  [ year ]"
  54. 	Say
  55. 	Say "Where:  year should be within the range of 1752 through 3000"
  56. 	Say
  57. 	Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
  58. 	Say ""
  59. 	Say
  60. 	Say "Based on the instructions found at"
  61. 	Say "Simon Kershaw's "||'"KEEPING THE FEAST"'
  62. 	Say ""
  63. 	Exit 1
  64. Return

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0044 seconds