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Source code for delayrun.vbs

(view source code of delayrun.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim i, intDelay, strArguments, wshShell
  5. ' Check command line arguments
  6. If WScript.Arguments.Count < 2           Then Syntax
  7. If InStr( WScript.Arguments(0), "/" )    Then Syntax
  8. If InStr( WScript.Arguments(0), "?" )    Then Syntax
  9. If InStr( WScript.Arguments(1), "/" )    Then Syntax
  10. If InStr( WScript.Arguments(1), "?" )    Then Syntax
  11. If Not IsNumeric( WScript.Arguments(0) ) Then Syntax
  12. If CInt( WScript.Arguments(0) ) <= 0     Then Syntax
  14. ' First command line argument is the delay in seconds
  15. intDelay = 1000 * CInt( WScript.Arguments(0) )
  17. ' The second and following arguments make up the command
  18. strArguments = """" & WScript.Arguments(1) & """"
  19. If WScript.Arguments.Count > 2 Then
  20. 	For i = 2 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
  21. 		strArguments = Trim( strArguments & " " & WScript.Arguments(i) )
  22. 	Next
  23. End If
  25. ' Wait for the specified number of seconds
  26. WScript.Sleep intDelay
  28. ' Start the command/program
  29. Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
  30. wshShell.Run strArguments, 1, False
  31. Set wshShell = Nothing
  34. Sub Syntax
  35. 	Dim strMsg
  36. 	strMsg = "DelayRun.vbs,  Version 1.02" _
  37. 	       & vbCrLf _
  38. 	       & "Start a command after a delay" _
  39. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  40. 	       & "Usage:  DELAYRUN.VBS  delay  some_command  [ some_arguments ]" _
  41. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  42. 	       & "Where:  ""delay""           is the delay in seconds" _
  43. 	       & vbCrLf _
  44. 	       & "        ""some_command""    is the command to be run after the delay" _
  45. 	       & vbCrLf _
  46. 	       & "        ""some_arguments""  are optional arguments for ""some_command""" _
  47. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  48. 	       & "Notes:  Use this script to prevent ""traffic jams"" in your Startup folder:" _
  49. 	       & vbCrLf _
  50. 	       & "        modify the command line for each shortcut in the Startup folder," _
  51. 	       & vbCrLf _
  52. 	       & "        using this script to start each shortcut with a different delay." _
  53. 	       & vbCrLf _
  54. 	       & "        You may have to convert double quotes to single ones in the third" _
  55. 	       & vbCrLf _
  56. 	       & "        and following arguments." _
  57. 	       & vbCrLf _
  58. 	       & "        The working directory for ""some_command"" is this script's own" _
  59. 	       & vbCrLf _
  60. 	       & "        working directory (not to be confused with its own location)." _
  61. 	       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
  62. 	       & "Written by Rob van der Woude" & vbCrLf _
  63. 	       & ""
  64. 	WScript.Echo strMsg
  65. 	WScript.Quit 1
  66. End Sub

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0057 seconds