Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages
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Source code for defprn.rex

(view source code of defprn.rex as plain text)

  1. /* Check for command line arguments (none required) */
  2. If Arg( 1, "E" ) Then Call Syntax
  4. /* Initialize RexxIO's GetDefaultPrinter() function */
  5. Call RxFuncAdd "GetDefaultPrinter", "REXXIO", "GetDefaultPrinter"
  7. /* Retrieve printer name and port from GetDefaultPrinter() function */
  8. Parse Value GetDefaultPrinter() With defprn",".","defport":"
  10. /* Display the result */
  11. Say
  12. Say "Default printer is "||defprn||" on "||defport
  14. /* Normal program termination */
  15. Exit 0
  18. Syntax:
  19. 	Say
  20. 	Say "DefPrn.rex,  Version 1.01 for Windows"
  21. 	Say "Display default printer name and port"
  22. 	Say
  23. 	Say "Usage:  <REXX>  DEFPRN.REX"
  24. 	Say
  25. 	Say 'Where:  "<REXX>" is your Rexx interpreter, like REGINA.EXE'
  26. 	Say "                 or REXX.EXE, whichever is installed"
  27. 	Say
  28. 	Say "This script uses LesTec Pty Ltd.'s RexxIO library"
  29. 	Say ""
  30. 	Say
  31. 	Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
  32. 	Say ""
  33. 	Exit 1
  34. Return

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