(view source code of cdeject.cmd as plain text)
/* Eject CD-ROM using Multimedia Rexx support */
/* Load Multimedia REXX support */
call RxFuncAdd 'mciRxInit','MCIAPI','mciRxInit'
call mciRxInit
/* Open the CD-audio device and send the Sesame Open command */
rc = mciRxSendString( "open CDAudio01 alias CDA wait", "RetStr", "0", "0" )
rc = mciRxSendString( "stop CDA wait", "RetStr", "0", "0" )
rc = mciRxSendString( "set CDA door open wait", "RetStr", "0", "0" )
rc = mciRxSendString( "close CDA wait", "RetStr", "0", "0" )
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0085 seconds