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Source code for cdadd.cmd

(view source code of cdadd.cmd as plain text)

  1. /*
  2.  浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様
  3.   CDadd:                  Adds all CDs from a list (CDPTXT.INI) to CDP.INI  
  4.   Written by Rob van der Woude                                              
  5.   Latest revision:   1999/08/02                                             
  6.   This program needs CDlist.cmd to create CDPTXT.INI                        
  7.   Please feel free to use, distribute and modify this program.              
  8.   However, do so entirely at your own risk.                                 
  9.   The author cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data,     
  10.   caused by the use or inability to use this program.                       
  11.   If you modify this program, please document the modifications.            
  12.   I would also like to receive an e-mail message stating the nature of the  
  13.   modifications.                                                            
  14.  藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様
  15. */
  17. /* Initialize RexxUtil */
  18. call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs"
  19. call SysLoadFuncs
  21. mmbase = strip( value( "MMBASE", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT" ), "T", ";" )
  22. cdpini = mmbase||"\CDPNEW.INI"
  23. cdptxt = mmbase||"\CDPTXT.INI"
  24. cdpbak = mmbase||"\CDPNEW.BAK"
  26. call SysFileTree cdptxt, "found.", "F"
  27. if found.0 <> 1 then do
  28. 	call SysCls
  29. 	say "[0m"
  30. 	call beep 880, 250
  31. 	say " CDPTXT.INI not found!"
  32. 	say " Call "||progname||" from the drive where CDPTXT.INI is located"
  33. 	say ""
  34. 	exit
  35. end
  37. call SysFileTree cdpini, "exist.", "F", , "**---"
  38. if exist.0 = 1 then do
  39. 	call SysFileTree cdpbak, "exist.", "F", , "**---"
  40. 	if exist.0 = 1 then address CMD "@CMD /C DEL "||cdpbak
  41. 	address CMD "@CMD /C REN "||cdpini||" *.BAK"
  42. end
  44. /* Reset file */
  45. call lineout cdptxt
  46. inline = linein( cdptxt, 1, 1 )
  48. /* Check header */
  49. test1 = ";Tekst-versie van CDP.INI"
  50. test2 = ";Text version of CDP.INI"
  51. if inline <> test1 & inline <> test2 then do
  52. 	call SysCls
  53. 	say "[0m"
  54. 	call beep 440, 250
  55. 	call beep 880, 250
  56. 	call beep 1760, 250
  57. 	say " ERROR: the file "||cdptxt||" is invalid."
  58. 	say ""
  59. 	say " Correct the error and try again."
  60. 	say ""
  61. 	exit
  62. end
  64. call SysCls
  65. cd.  = ""
  66. cd.0 = 0
  67. Checksum = "Checksum"
  68. IMMCDDiscTitle = "IMMCDDiscTitle"
  69. IMMCDDiscProgram = "IMMCDDiscProgram"
  71. /* Read and process the lines one by one */
  72. do until lines( cdptxt ) = 0
  73. 	inline  = linein( cdptxt, , 1 )
  74. 	select
  75. 		when inline = "" & cd.Checksum <> "" then do
  76. 			say "["||cd.Checksum||"]"
  77. 			say "09"X||"IMMCDDiscTitle = "||cd.IMMCDDiscTitle
  78. 			say "09"X||"IMMCDDiscProgram = "||cd.IMMCDDiscProgram
  79. 			cd.0 = ( length( cd.IMMCDDiscProgram ) - 3 ) / 2
  80. 			do i=1 to cd.0 by 1
  81. 				say "09"X||i||" = "||cd.i
  82. 			end
  83. 			say ""
  84. 			interpret 'cd.IMMCDDiscProgram = 'cd.IMMCDDiscProgram
  85. 			call SysIni cdpini, cd.Checksum, "IMMCDDiscTitle", cd.IMMCDDiscTitle
  86. 			call SysIni cdpini, cd.Checksum, "IMMCDDiscProgram", cd.IMMCDDiscProgram
  87. 			do i=1 to cd.0 by 1
  88. 				call SysIni cdpini, cd.Checksum, i, cd.i
  89. 			end
  90. 			cd.  = ""
  91. 			cd.0 = 0
  92. 		end
  93. 		when abbrev( inline, "  " ) = 1 then do
  94. 			cd_entry = strip( inline )
  95. 			parse value cd_entry with key"="cdvalue
  96. 			key     = strip( key )
  97. 			cdvalue = strip( cdvalue )
  98. 			do forever
  99. 				parse value cdvalue with lead"; "trail
  100. 				if trail = "" then leave
  101. 				cdvalue = lead||"0D0A"X||trail
  102. 			end
  103. 			cd.key = cdvalue
  104. 		end
  105. 		otherwise nop
  106. 	end
  107. end

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0088 seconds