(view source code of caldemo.hta as plain text)
<HTML xmlns:IE>
<TITLE>Calendar Demo</TITLE>
@media all
IE\:Calendar { behavior : url(calendar.htc) }
a { color : cyan }
a:active { color : red }
a:hover { color : yellow }
Option Explicit
Dim numVerMsgSize, strAppName, strAppVer, strFileNames
strAppName = CalendarDemo.ApplicationName
strAppVer = CalendarDemo.Version
strFileNames = "caldemo"
Sub Calendar_OnPropertyChange( )
Dim strDate
' Read the selected date from the calendar control
strDate = CDate( Calendar.Day & " " _
& MonthName( Calendar.Month ) & " " _
& Calendar.Year )
' Fill in the fields below the calendar control for the selected date
myLongDate.Value = FormatDateTime( strDate, vbLongDate )
myShortDate.Value = FormatDateTime( strDate, vbShortDate )
myDayOfWeekName.Value = WeekDayName( DatePart( "w", strDate ) )
myMonthName.Value = MonthName( DatePart( "m", strDate ) )
myDayOfMonth.Value = DatePart( "d", strDate )
myDayOfYear.Value = DatePart( "y", strDate )
myMonthNumber.Value = DatePart( "m", strDate )
myYear.Value = DatePart( "yyyy", strDate )
myQuarter.Value = DatePart( "q", strDate )
myWeek.Value = DatePart( "ww", strDate )
myDayOfWeekNumber.Value = DatePart( "w", strDate )
End Sub
Sub CheckUpdate( )
Dim lenLatestVer, strCurrentVer, strLatestVer
' Change cursor to hourglass while checking for update
Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
strLatestVer = TextFromHTML( "http://www.robvanderwoude.com/updates/" & strFileNames & ".txt" )
lenLatestVer = Len( strLatestVer )
If lenLatestVer = 4 Then
strCurrentVer = Split( strAppVer )(0)
If strLatestVer < strCurrentVer Then
Update.InnerHTML = "<P>You are using an invalid version (" & strCurrentVer _
& ") of the " & strAppName _
& ".<BR>The latest valid version is " _
& strLatestVer & " and it is available " _
& "<A HREF=""http://www.robvanderwoude.com/updates/" _
& strFileNames & ".html"">" _
& "<FONT COLOR=""Red"">here</FONT></A>.</P>"
numVerMsgSize = 85
End If
If strLatestVer > strCurrentVer Then
Update.InnerHTML = "<P>You are using version " & strCurrentVer _
& " of the " & strAppName _
& ".<BR>An update to version " _
& strLatestVer & " is available " _
& "<A HREF=""http://www.robvanderwoude.com/updates/" _
& strFileNames & ".html"">" _
& "<FONT COLOR=""Red"">here</FONT></A>.</P>"
numVerMsgSize = 85
End If
End If
' Change cursor back to default
Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "default"
End Sub
Sub TodayButton_OnClick( )
Calendar.Year = DatePart( "yyyy", Now )
Calendar.Month = DatePart( "m", Now )
Calendar.Day = DatePart( "d", Now )
End Sub
Function TextFromHTML( myURL )
' Basic routine borrowed from http://dev.remotenetworktechnology.com/wsh/rubegoldberg.htm
' Improved wait-until-ready routine for HTAs by McKirahan on
' http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.scripting.scriptlets&tid=be461ec2-b444-440c-8155-ad0e8e839ca6&lang=en&cr=US&sloc=en-us&p=1
Dim objIE
' Set the default value
TextFromHTML = ""
' Temporarily disable error handling
On Error Resume Next
' Create an IE object
Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
' Load the requested URL
objIE.Navigate myURL
' Wait for the requested URL to become available
While objIE.Busy
' Retrieve the body text
TextFromHTML = objIE.Document.Body.InnerText
' Release the object and return to default error handling
On Error Goto 0
End Function
Sub Window_OnLoad( )
Dim strMsg
strMsg = "<P>The Calendar HTML Component was not found.</P>" _
& "<P>Please download and extract Microsoft's " _
& "<A HREF=""http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/" _
& "details.aspx?FamilyId=" _
& "E50D0D0C-279D-4B78-81CD-B106EBE65C36"">" _
& "Calendar sample files</A>.<BR>" & vbCrLf _
& "Then run this HTA in the directory where " _
& "<I>calendar.htc</I> is located.</P>"
' Fill in the proper application name and
' version number at the bottom of the screen
AppName.InnerHTML = strAppName
AppVersion.InnerHTML = strAppVer
' Use custom error handling; after all, we cannot be sure the
' required HTML component is available in the right location
On Error Resume Next
' Set some of the calendar control's properties
Calendar.DayLength = "long"
Calendar.MonthLength = "long"
Calendar.ShowDateSelectors = 1
Calendar.ShowDays = 1
Calendar.ShowTitle = 1
' Fill in the date fields below the calendar control
Calendar_OnPropertyChange( )
' If an error occurred, we may assume the calendar control isn't
' available; in that case, display an error message and point the
' user to the download location
If Err Then
CalendarSpace.InnerHTML = strMsg
End If
On Error Goto 0
' Check for updates
End Sub
<BODY STYLE="font:12 pt arial; color:white; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#000040', EndColorStr='#00007F')">
<DIV ALIGN="center">
<H1>Calendar Demo</H1>
<P> </P>
<SPAN ID="CalendarSpace">
<IE:Calendar id="Calendar" style="width : 300; height : 275; border : 1px solid black;"></IE:Calendar>
<SPAN ID="Update"> </SPAN>
<P> </P>
<TD>Date (short / long)</TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myShortDate" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myLongDate" TYPE="text" SIZE="32" READONLY></TD>
<TD>Day of week (number / name)</TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myDayOfWeekNumber" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myDayOfWeekName" TYPE="text" SIZE="32" READONLY></TD>
<TD>Day of month / Day of year</TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myDayOfMonth" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myDayOfYear" TYPE="text" SIZE="32" READONLY></TD>
<TD>Month (number / name)</TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myMonthNumber" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myMonthName" TYPE="text" SIZE="32" READONLY></TD>
<TD>Week / Quarter</TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myWeek" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myQuarter" TYPE="text" SIZE="32" READONLY></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="myYear" TYPE="text" SIZE="10" READONLY></TD>
<TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT ID="TodayButton" TYPE="button" VALUE=" Today "></TD>
<P> </P>
<SPAN ID="AppName">Application Name</SPAN>,
Version <SPAN ID="AppVersion">0.00</SPAN>,
© 2008
<A HREF="http://www.robvanderwoude.com/">Rob van der Woude</A>.<BR>
Calendar HTML Component © 2000
<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/">Microsoft Corporation</A>.<BR>
Download the
<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=E50D0D0C-279D-4B78-81CD-B106EBE65C36">HTML
Component & sample files</A>.
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0113 seconds