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Source code for bkviddrv.rex

(view source code of bkviddrv.rex as plain text)

  1. /* Backup video adapter driver files with DEVCON */
  3. /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
  4. /* Sample DEVCON output:                                                               */
  5. /*                                                                                     */
  6. /* PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0110&SUBSYS_40311043&REV_B2\4&252D6E8&0&0008                       */
  7. /*    Name: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX                                                         */
  8. /*    Driver installed from c:\winnt\inf\oem29.inf [nv4]. 21 file(s) used by driver:   */
  9. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\DRIVERS\nv4_mini.sys                                       */
  10. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvinstnt.dll                                               */
  11. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvsvc32.exe                                                */
  12. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvcod.dll                                                  */
  13. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nv4_disp.dll                                               */
  14. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvoglnt.dll                                                */
  15. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvcpl.dll                                                  */
  16. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvmctray.dll                                               */
  17. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nview.dll                                                  */
  18. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvwddi.dll                                                 */
  19. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvappbar.exe                                               */
  20. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvwdmcpl.dll                                               */
  21. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvshell.dll                                                */
  22. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvtuicpl.cpl                                               */
  23. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nwiz.exe                                                   */
  24. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nviewimg.dll                                               */
  25. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\keystone.exe                                               */
  26. /*        C:\WINNT\system32\nvnt4cpl.dll                                               */
  27. /*        C:\WINNT\help\nvcpl.hlp                                                      */
  28. /*        C:\WINNT\help\nvwcplen.hlp                                                   */
  29. /*        C:\WINNT\nview\generic.tvp                                                   */
  30. /* 1 matching device(s) found.                                                         */
  31. /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
  33. "@ECHO OFF"
  34. Trace Off
  36. /* Check OS type (should be 32 bits Windows)*/
  37. Parse Upper Source os .
  38. If os <> "WIN32" Then Call Syntax
  40. /* Check command line arguments */
  41. Parse Arg test
  42. If test <> "" Then Call Syntax
  44. /* Initialize RexxUtil library */
  45. If RxFuncQuery( "sysloadfuncs" ) <> 0 Then Do
  46. 	initRc = RxFuncAdd( "sysloadfuncs", "RexxUtil", "sysloadfuncs" )
  47. 	If initRc = 0 Then Do
  48. 		Call sysloadfuncs
  49. 	End
  50. 	Else Do
  51. 		Say
  52. 		Say "Error "||initRc||" while trying to initialize RegUtil (RexxUtil)"
  53. 		Say
  54. 		Say "This script requires Patrick TJ McPhee's RegUtil library,"
  55. 		Say "available at"
  56. 		Say
  57. 		Say "Do yo want to download it now? [y/N]"
  58. 		Say
  59. 		download = Translate( SysGetKey( "NOECHO" ) )
  60. 		If download = "Y" Then Do
  61. 			Address SYSTEM ""
  62. 			Say "Install the downloaded library file and try again."
  63. 		End
  64. 		Else Do
  65. 			Say "Download and install the library and try again."
  66. 		End
  67. 		Exit 1
  68. 	End
  69. End
  71. /* Check DEVCON's availability */
  72. Address SYSTEM "DEVCON.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1"
  73. If rc <> 0 Then Do
  74. 	Say
  75. 	Say "This script requires Microsoft's DEVCON.EXE, available at"
  76. 	Say ";EN-US;Q311272"
  77. 	Say
  78. 	Say "Do yo want to download it now? [y/N]"
  79. 	Say
  80. 	download = Translate( SysGetKey( "NOECHO" ) )
  81. 	If download = "Y" Then Do
  82. 		Address SYSTEM ";EN-US;Q311272"
  83. 		Say "Install the downloaded file and try again."
  84. 	End
  85. 	Else Do
  86. 		Say "Download the tool and try again."
  87. 	End
  88. 	Exit 1
  89. End
  91. /* Use DEVCON to retrieve info, and store it in an array */
  92. Address SYSTEM 'DEVCON.EXE DriverFiles =Display 2>NUL | RXQUEUE'
  93. empty = 0
  94. Do i = 1 By 1 Until Queued( ) = 0
  95. 	Parse Pull line.i
  96. 	line.i = Strip( line.i, "B", " " )
  97. 	If line.i = "" Then Do
  98. 		empty = empty + 1
  99. 		if empty > 5 Then Leave
  100. 	End
  101. 	line.0 = i
  102. End
  104. /* Interpret DEVCON's output line by line */
  105. nextLine  = "ID"
  106. fileCount = 0
  107. driver.   = ""
  108. driver.0  = 0
  109. j = 0
  110. Do i = 1 By 1 To line.0
  111. 	Select
  112. 		When Pos( "matching device(s) found.", line.i ) > 0 Then Leave i       /* Last line of output   */
  113. 		When nextLine = "ID" Then Do                                           /* First line for driver */
  114. 			Parse Value line.i With root"\"str1"&"str2"\"str3
  115. 			If str3 <> "" Then Do
  116. 				j = j + 1
  117. 				driver.0 = j
  118. 				driver.j.0 = 0
  119. 				nextLine = "Name"
  120. 			End
  121. 		End
  122. 		When nextLine = "Name" Then Do                                         /* Line with device name */
  123. 			Parse Value line.i With "Name: "name
  124. 			If name <> "" Then Do
  125. 				name = EscName( name )
  126. 				driver.j = name
  127. 				k = 0
  128. 				nextLine = "inf"
  129. 			End
  130. 		End
  131. 		When nextLine = "inf" Then Do                                          /* Line with inf file name */
  132. 			Parse Value line.i With "Driver installed from "inf" ["key"]. "numFiles" file(s) used by driver:"
  133. 			If numFiles <> "" Then Do
  134. 				k = k + 1
  135. 				driver.j.k = inf
  136. 				driver.j.0 = k
  137. 				nextLine = "files"
  138. 			End
  139. 		End
  140. 		When nextLine = "files" Then Do                                        /* Actual driver files */
  141. 			Parse Value line.i With file
  142. 			If file <> "" Then Do
  143. 				k = k + 1
  144. 				If k = numFiles + 1 Then Do
  145. 					nextLine = "ID"
  146. 				End
  147. 				driver.j.k = file
  148. 				driver.j.0 = k
  149. 			End
  150. 		End
  151. 		Otherwise Nop
  152. 	End
  153. End
  155. /* Create a target "root" directory */
  156. If SysMkDir( "Video" ) <> 0 Then Do
  157. 	Call SysFileTree "Video", "exist.", "D"
  158. 	If exist.0 <> 1 Then Do
  159. 		Say "Error creating directory Video"
  160. 		Exit 1
  161. 	End
  162. End
  163. Do i = 1 By 1 To driver.0
  164. 	Say "Backing up drivers for display adapter "||driver.i
  165. 	/* Create a subdirectory with the device name */
  166. 	If SysMkDir( "Video\"||driver.i ) <> 0 Then Do
  167. 		Call SysFileTree "Video\"||driver.i, "exist.", "D"
  168. 		If exist.0 <> 1 Then Do
  169. 			Say "Error creating directory Video\"||driver.i
  170. 			Exit 1
  171. 		End
  172. 	End
  173. 	Do j = 1 To driver.i.0
  174. 		driverFile = driver.i.j
  175. 		Do Until driverFile = ""
  176. 			Parse Value driverFile With dummy"\"driverFile
  177. 		End
  178. 		driverFile = dummy
  179. 		copyRc = SysCopyObject( driver.i.j, "Video\"||driver.i||"\"||driverFile )
  180. 		If copyRc <> 0 Then Do
  181. 			Say "Error "||copyRc||" while copying "||driver.i.j
  182. 			Exit 1
  183. 		End
  184. 	End
  185. End
  187. Say "Your display adapter drivers are now stored in the directory Video"
  189. /* Done */
  190. Exit 0
  193. EscName: procedure
  194. 	name = Arg( 1 )
  195. 	name = Translate( name, "",  "|" )
  196. 	name = Translate( name, "",  "?" )
  197. 	name = Translate( name, "",  ":" )
  198. 	name = Translate( name, "",  ";" )
  199. 	name = Translate( name, "", "," )
  200. 	name = Translate( name, "",  "/" )
  201. 	name = Translate( name, "",  "\" )
  202. 	name = Translate( name, "[", "(" )
  203. 	name = Translate( name, "]", ")" )
  204. 	name = Translate( name, "and", "&" )
  205. Return name
  208. Syntax:
  209. 	Say
  210. 	Say "BkVidDrv,  Version 1.00 for Windows 2000 / XP"
  211. 	Say "Backup driver files for every display adapter installed"
  212. 	Say
  213. 	Say "Usage:  BKVIDDRV.REX"
  214. 	Say
  215. 	Say "Note:   This script requires Microsoft's DEVCON.EXE, available at"
  216. 	Say ";EN-US;Q311272"
  217. 	Say "        This script also requires Patrick TJ McPhee's RegUtil,"
  218. 	Say "        available at"
  219. 	Say "        You will be prompted for download if either isn't found."
  220. 	Say
  221. 	Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
  222. 	Say ""
  223. 	Exit 1
  224. Return

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0082 seconds