(view source code of biosdate.pl as plain text)
#! perl
# Check command line arguments (none required)
if ( $ARGV[0] ) {
# Create temporary DEBUG script
$dbg = "D FFFF:0005 L 8\nQ\n";
open( DBGSCR, "> biosdate.dbg" ) || die( "Cannot open temporary DEBUG script: $!" );
print DBGSCR $dbg;
close DBGSCR;
# Run DEBUG script and filter output;
# improved DEBUG output filtering by Uri "Talentix"
`debug.exe < biosdate.dbg` =~ /(\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d)/;
print "\nBIOS date: ".$1."\n";
# Delete temporary DEBUG script
`DEL biosdate.dbg >NUL 2>&1`;
sub Syntax {
print "\nBIOSDate.pl, Version 1.10 for DOS, Windows & OS/2\n",
"Display BIOS date of local computer\n\n",
"Usage: BIOSDATE.PL\n\nThis script uses ",
"DEBUG.EXE to read the information from BIOS.\n",
"Tested in Windows 2000 only.\n\nWritten by ",
"Rob van der Woude\nhttp://www.robvanderwoude.com\n\n",
"Improved DEBUG output filtering by Uri \"Talentix\"\n\n",
"Original idea by ComputerHope\n",
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0078 seconds