(view source code of bios.ps as plain text)
List all properties and values of the Win32_BIOS class in WMI's root/cimv2 namespace
This PowerShell 7 script was generated using WMIGen (formerly known as WMI Code Generator), Version and then trimmed manually.
WMIGen's PowerShell template script was updated to PowerShell 7 by Thierry Montané.
It queries WMI to list all properties and values of the Win32_BIOS class in the root/cimv2 namepace, for the local or a remote computer.
The optional name of a remote computer to be queried.
If not specified, the local computer will be queried.
WMIGen multi-language code generator by Rob van der Woude
param( [string]$Computer = "." )
if ( $computer -eq "." ) {
$instances = Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_BIOS" -Namespace "root/cimv2"
} else {
$instances = Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_BIOS" -Namespace "root/cimv2" -ComputerName "$Computer"
$count = ( $instances | Measure-Object ).Count
if ( $count -eq 1 ) {
Write-Host "1 instance:"
} else {
Write-Host "$count instances:"
foreach ($objItem in $colItems) {
write-host "Name :" $objItem.Name
write-host "Version :" $objItem.Version
write-host "Manufacturer :" $objItem.Manufacturer
write-host "SMBIOSBIOS Version :" $objItem.SMBIOSBIOSVersion
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0101 seconds