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Source code for b64coder.vbs

(view source code of b64coder.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim errResult
  5. WScript.Echo "Base64 encoding . . ."
  6. errResult = Base64Encode( "b64coder.vbs", "b64coder.enc" )
  7. If errResult <> 0 Then
  8. 	ShowError errResult
  9. End If
  11. WScript.Echo "Decoding again . . ."
  12. errResult = Base64Decode( "b64coder.enc", "b64coder.dec" )
  13. If errResult <> 0 Then
  14. 	ShowError errResult
  15. Else
  16. 	WScript.Echo "Done." & vbCrLf _
  17. 	           & "Compare the files ""b64coder.vbs"" and " _
  18. 	           & """b64coder.dec"", they should be identical."
  19. End If
  22. Sub ShowError( myError )
  23. 	On Error Resume Next
  24. 	Err.Raise myError
  25. 	WScript.Echo "ERROR " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
  26. 	Err.Clear
  27. 	On Error Goto 0
  28. 	WScript.Quit
  29. End Sub
  32. Function Base64Encode( myFileIn, myFileOut )
  33. ' This function uses Belus Technology's XBase64 component to Base64 encode a file.
  34. ' The XBase64 component is available at
  35. '
  36. '
  37. ' Arguments:
  38. ' myFileIn   [string]  the file to be encoded
  39. ' myFileOut  [string]  the encoded file to be created
  40. '
  41. ' Return Code:
  42. ' 0 if all goes well, otherwise the appropriate error number
  43. '
  44. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  45. '
  47. 	' Standard housekeeping
  48. 	Dim i, objBase64, objFSO, objFileIn, objFileOut
  49. 	Dim objStreamIn, strCode, strText
  51. 	Const ForAppending       =  8
  52. 	Const ForReading         =  1
  53. 	Const ForWriting         =  2
  54. 	Const TristateFalse      =  0
  55. 	Const TristateMixed      = -2
  56. 	Const TristateTrue       = -1
  57. 	Const TristateUseDefault = -2
  58. 	Const otSafeArray        =  0
  59. 	Const otString           =  2
  61. 	' Use custom error handling
  62. 	'On Error Resume Next
  64. 	' Open a file system object
  65. 	Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  67. 	' Open the input file if it exists
  68. 	If objFSO.FileExists( myFileIn ) Then
  69. 		Set objFileIn   = objFSO.GetFile( myFileIn )
  70. 		Set objStreamIn = objFileIn.OpenAsTextStream( ForReading, TriStateFalse )
  71. 	Else
  72. 		' Error 53: File not found
  73. 		Base64Encode = 53
  74. 		' Close input file and release objects
  75. 		objStreamIn.Close
  76. 		Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  77. 		Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  78. 		Set objFSO      = Nothing
  79. 		' Abort
  80. 		Exit Function
  81. 	End If
  83. 	' Create the output file, unless it already exists
  84. 	If objFSO.FileExists( myFileOut ) Then
  85. 		' Error 58: File already exists
  86. 		Base64Encode = 58
  87. 		' Close input file and release objects
  88. 		objStreamIn.Close
  89. 		Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  90. 		Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  91. 		Set objFSO      = Nothing
  92. 		' Abort
  93. 		Exit Function
  94. 	Else
  95. 		Set objFileOut = objFSO.CreateTextFile( myFileOut, True, False )
  96. 	End If
  98. 	' Read the text from the input file and close the file
  99. 	strText = objStreamIn.ReadAll( )
  100. 	objStreamIn.Close
  102. 	' Base64 encode the text stream
  103. 	Set objBase64 = CreateObject( "XStandard.Base64" )
  104. 	strCode       = objBase64.Encode( strText, otString )
  105. 	Set objBase64 = Nothing
  107. 	' Write the result to the output file and close the file
  108. 	objFileOut.Write strCode
  109. 	objFileOut.Close
  111. 	' Release the objects
  112. 	Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  113. 	Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  114. 	Set objFileOut  = Nothing
  115. 	Set objFSO      = Nothing
  117. 	' Return any error codes
  118. 	Base64Encode = Err.Number
  119. 	On Error Goto 0
  120. End Function
  123. Function Base64Decode( myFileIn, myFileOut )
  124. ' This function uses Belus Technology's XBase64 component to Base64 decode a file.
  125. ' The XBase64 component is available at
  126. '
  127. '
  128. ' Arguments:
  129. ' myFileIn   [string]  the file to be decoded
  130. ' myFileOut  [string]  the decoded file to be created
  131. '
  132. ' Return Code:
  133. ' 0 if all goes well, otherwise the appropriate error number
  134. '
  135. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  136. '
  138. 	' Standard housekeeping
  139. 	Dim i, objBase64, objFSO, objFileIn, objFileOut
  140. 	Dim objStreamIn, strCode, strText
  142. 	Const ForAppending       =  8
  143. 	Const ForReading         =  1
  144. 	Const ForWriting         =  2
  145. 	Const TristateFalse      =  0
  146. 	Const TristateMixed      = -2
  147. 	Const TristateTrue       = -1
  148. 	Const TristateUseDefault = -2
  149. 	Const otSafeArray        =  0
  150. 	Const otString           =  2
  152. 	' Use custom error handling
  153. 	'On Error Resume Next
  155. 	' Open a file system object
  156. 	Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  158. 	' Open the input file if it exists
  159. 	If objFSO.FileExists( myFileIn ) Then
  160. 		Set objFileIn   = objFSO.GetFile( myFileIn )
  161. 		Set objStreamIn = objFileIn.OpenAsTextStream( ForReading, TriStateFalse )
  162. 	Else
  163. 		' Error 53: File not found
  164. 		Base64Decode = 53
  165. 		' Close input file and release objects
  166. 		objStreamIn.Close
  167. 		Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  168. 		Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  169. 		Set objFSO      = Nothing
  170. 		' Abort
  171. 		Exit Function
  172. 	End If
  174. 	' Create the output file, unless it already exists
  175. 	If objFSO.FileExists( myFileOut ) Then
  176. 		' Error 58: File already exists
  177. 		Base64Decode = 58
  178. 		' Close input file and release objects
  179. 		objStreamIn.Close
  180. 		Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  181. 		Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  182. 		Set objFSO      = Nothing
  183. 		' Abort
  184. 		Exit Function
  185. 	Else
  186. 		Set objFileOut = objFSO.CreateTextFile( myFileOut, True, False )
  187. 	End If
  189. 	' Read the encoded text from the input file and close the file
  190. 	strCode = objStreamIn.ReadAll( )
  191. 	objStreamIn.Close
  193. 	' Base64 decode the text stream
  194. 	Set objBase64 = CreateObject( "XStandard.Base64" )
  195. 	strText       = objBase64.Decode( strCode, otString )
  196. 	Set objBase64 = Nothing
  198. 	' Write the result to the output file and close the file
  199. 	objFileOut.Write strText
  200. 	objFileOut.Close
  202. 	' Release the objects
  203. 	Set objStreamIn = Nothing
  204. 	Set objFileIn   = Nothing
  205. 	Set objFileOut  = Nothing
  206. 	Set objFSO      = Nothing
  208. 	' Return any error codes
  209. 	Base64Decode = Err.Number
  210. 	On Error Goto 0
  211. End Function

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0116 seconds