Since MS-DOS 6.* the MEM
command features the /M
and /P
As I will show, we can use the /M parameter to let batch files check whether TSRs or device drivers are loaded or not.
But first, the syntax as given for PC-DOS 7:
Displays the amount of used and free memory in your system.
MEM | [ /CLASSIFY | /DEBUG | /FREE | /MODULE modulename ] [/PAGE] |
/CLASSIFY or /C | Classifies programs by memory usage. Lists the size of programs, provides a summary of memory in use, and lists the largest memory block available. |
/DEBUG or /D | Displays status of all modules in memory, internal drivers, and other information. |
/FREE or /F | Displays information about the amount of free memory left in both conventional and upper memory. |
/MODULE or /M | Displays a detailed listing of a module's memory use. This option must be followed by the name of a module, optionally separated from /M by a colon. |
/PAGE or /P | Pauses after each full screen of information. |
Use the /M parameter, combined with the FIND command, to check if a TSR or device driver is loaded:
MEM /M ANSI | FIND "following" > NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO ANSI is loaded
This batch file uses one line of MEM /C's output:
ANSI is using the following memory:
If ANSI is not loaded in memory, this line will not be displayed.
Consequently, FIND will produce an errorlevel of 1.
In the same way, you might use:
This method is less DOS version dependent, as far as the usage of MEM /C
is concerned.
You will have to check, however, if FIND will produce an errorlevel dependent on its search result, in your particular DOS version.
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