(view help text of UTF8removeBOM.cs as plain text)
UTF8removeBOM.exe, Version 1.00 Read a text file and save the text in UTF-8 format without Byte Order Mark Usage: UTF8REMOVEBOM textfilein [ texfileout ] [ /O ] Where: textfilein is the source text file textfileout is the target text file (default if not specified: textfilein) /O overwrite existing target file, required if target file is not specified (default: abort if target file exists) Notes: At least 2 command line arguments are required. Return code is -1 in case of errors, otherwise 0. This simple tool was written with the following workflow in mind: * VBScript's OpenTextFile writes text file with TriStateTrue option * UTF8removeBOM.exe removes the Byte Order Mark * PHP command print( htmlentities( file_get_contents( textfile ) ) ) shows the text correctly in a web page Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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