Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for SystemTrayMessage.cs

(view help text of SystemTrayMessage.cs as plain text)

SystemTrayMessage.exe,  Version 1.06
Display an icon in the system tray's notification area

Usage:    SystemTrayMessage.exe  [ message ]  [ options ]

Where:    message     is the message text in the optional tooltip balloon

Options:  /I:icon     tooltip Icon (Error, Info, None, Warning; default: Info)
          /L          treat message as Literal text without interpreting
                      escaped characters, e.g. show "\n" as literal "\n"
                      instead of interpreting it as a newline character
          /P:path     Path to an icon file or library (default: Shell32.dll)
          /S:index    System tray icon index  in icon library (default: 277)
          /T:title    optional Title in the tooltip balloon
          /V:seconds  number of seconds the tooltip balloon will remain
                      Visible (default: 10)
          /W          Wait for the timeout to elapse or for the user to click
                      the message, then remove the icon from the notification
                      area (default: exit without waiting)

Notes:    If no tooltip message is specified, switches /I, /L and /T will be
          ignored and no tooltip will be shown.
          By default, \n is interpreted as newline and \t as tab in message;
          in some cases this may lead to misinterpretations, e.g. when showing
          a path like "c:\temp"; either escape backslashes in paths or use /L
          to treat all message text as literal text.
          Command line switch /S will be ignored if switch /P specifies
          anything but an icon library.
          Use my Shell32Icons.exe to select a Shell32 icon and get its index.
          Return code ("ErrorLevel") is -1 in case of errors; with /W switch,
          return code is 2 if message balloon is clicked, or 3 if the timeout
          expired without clicking; otherwise return code is 0.

Credits:  Code to extract icons from Shell32.dll by Thomas Levesque

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0057 seconds