(view help text of RxGrep.cs as plain text)
RxGrep, Version 3.01 Multi-line FindStr/Grep like tool Usage: RXGREP filename pattern [ options ] or: command | RXGREP pattern [ options ] Where: filename is the file to be filtered command is the command whose standard output is to be filtered pattern is the search pattern (regular expression) Options: /A use tAb as separator for multiple groups (default: space) /D do not show Duplicate matches /F:nn search only the First nn bytes /G:nn return match Group #nn /I case Insensitive search /L single Line mode: ^ and $ match begin and end of each line /Q Quiet mode: no message if no match is found /S:nn Skip the first nn matches /T:nn Take only nn matches Example: ROBOCOPY D:\sourcedir E:\targetdir /NP /MIR | RXGREP "\s+\d+\s+D:\\sourcedir\\[^\n\r]*\r\n([^\n\r\\]+\r\n)+" (to be read as a single command line) will return something like: 125 D:\sourcedir\subdir\ New File 342 brandnewfile.ext Newer 4.06m updatedfile.ext *EXTRA File 2.40m deletedfile.ext Notes: If /F:nn is used and a file is specified, only the first nn bytes of that file will be read; if the input is redirected, it is read entirely, and then chopped to nn bytes before being searched. /G:nn can be used multiple times; all matching groups are written to screen, separated by spaces, unless /A is used, in which case the matches will be separated by tabs; matching groups are shown in order of input, not in order of command line arguments, e.g. /G:1 /G:3 will show the same result as /G:3 /G:1. Switches /D and /G cannot be combined with /S or /T. Return code ("errorlevel") will equal the number of matches found, or -1 in case of (command line) errors. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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