(view help text of ruler as plain text)
Ruler, Version Show a ruler on the primary monitor Usage: Ruler.exe [ options ] Options: /? show this help text /C:color set line Color (default: black) /D keep settings dialog open after saving changes (requires /I and/or pressing F2) /I Interactive configuration /INCH use Inches instead of centimeters for scale /M:mon select monitor size: "max" for largest or "min" for smallest (if multiple monitors), or monitor width in cm (default: randomly selected monitor's width) /O[:color] show Opaque background lint behind ruler (default color: white) /S use previously Saved configuration /V show Vertical ruler (default: horizontal) /Y:yyy vertical (Y) position in pixels (default: half of screen height) /X:xxx horizontal (X) position in pixels (default: half of screen width) Remarks: Press Esc to abort the program, F1 for help, or F2 for settings. Monitor selection is only intended for accurate scale, but the ruler will always be shown on the primary monitor. /Y cannot be combined with /V, whereas /X requires /V Credits: Code to redraw the screen by RogerN on StackOverflow.com https://stackoverflow.com/a/16066507 Singleton settings form by djdd87 on StackOverflow.com https://stackoverflow.com/a/3005761 Set a property and then make it readonly by Tomer-Barkan https://discussions.unity.com/t/89395/2 Console output from a WinForms program by Timm https://www.csharp411.com/console-output-from-winforms-application/ Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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