(view help text of RotateImage.cs as plain text)
RotateImage.exe, Version 1.02 Rotate a bitmap by a multiple of 90 degrees Usage: ROTATEIMAGE image [ output ] [ options ] Where: image input image file (bmp, gif, jpg, png or tif) output output file name and type (default: image_rotateddeg,) same type as input image) Options: /M:size Maximum dimension of rotated image in pixels, either as (original) width x (original) height (e.g. /M:1024x768) or as a single number for the largest dimension (e.g. /M:1024, equivalent to /M:1024x1024); if image does not fit within the specified dimensions, it will be resized while preserving its original aspect ratio /R:deg Rotation in degrees (90, 180 or 270; default: 0) Notes: Unless an output file name is specified, the rotated output file name is the input image file name with "_rotated" and the amount of degrees appended, e.g. image_rotated90.gif; if no output file is specified, the file types of input and output file are identical. Return code ("errorlevel") equals the width of the (resized) output image before rotation, or -1 in case of errors Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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