Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for ProgressBarGUI.cs

(view help text of ProgressBarGUI.cs as plain text)

ProgressBarGUI,  Version 1.00
Batch tool to present a GUI style progress bar

Usage:   PROGRESSBARGUI.EXE  [ options ]

Options: /CAPTION:text            optional text above the progress bar
         /DEBUG                   show actual value and progress in description
         /DESCRIPTION:text        optional text underneath the progressbar
         /FILE:tempfile           text file from which to read progress
                                  (default: progress.tmp in current directory)
         /HEIGHT:minimumheight    minimum window height (default: 100)
         /INTERVAL:milliseconds   progressbar refresh interval (deafult: 1000)
         /MAX:max                 maximum value for progress bar (default: 100)
         /MIN:min                 minimum value for progress bar (default: 0)
         /NOSCALE                 do not show min and max values next to
                                  progressbar (default: show values)
         /POS:"X,Y"               X,Y position of dialog's top left corner
                                  (default: center dialog in screen)
         /SAMPLES                 write 2 sample batch files, demonstrating the
                                  use of this program, to the current directory.
         /TIMEOUT:seconds         timeout after which program should exit,
                                  ready or not (1..86400, or 0 for no timeout,
                                  default: 3600 seconds = 1 hour)
         /TITLE:text              dialog's window title
         /WIDTH:width             dialog's window width (default: 600)

Notes:   The program reads the current value from a temporary file, as
         specified by the /FILE switch or the default "progress.tmp"
         in the current directory.
         If /DEBUG switch is used, /DESCRIPTION switch will be ignored.
         The /HEIGHT switch is not required: if text is added in caption
         or description, the dialog window height will automatically be
         resized to make it fit.
         The dialog window closes when either the temporary file no longer
         exists, or the timeout has elapsed, or the window is closed manually.
         Only one single instance of this program is allowed to run, an
         attempt to start a second instance will return an error message.

Credits: Code to allow only single instance of program by michalczerwinski

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0047 seconds