(view help text of MessageBox.cs as plain text)
MessageBox.exe, Version 1.34 Batch tool to show a message in a MessageBox and return the caption of the button that is clicked Usage: MessageBox "message" [ "title" ] [ switches ] or: MessageBox "message" "title" buttons icon default [option] timeout Where: buttons "AbortRetryIgnore", "OK", "OKCancel", "RetryCancel", "YesNo" or "YesNoCancel" icon "Asterisk", "Error", "Exclamation", "Hand", "Information", "None", "Question", "Stop" or "Warning" default "Button1", "Button2" or "Button3" or the default button's (English) caption option "HideConsole", "NoEscape", "RightAlign", "RtlReading", "None" or "" timeout timeout interval in seconds Switches: /B:buttons A = AbortRetryIgnore, O = OK, C = OKCancel, R = RetryCancel, Y = YesNo, N = YesNoCancel /I:icon A = Asterisk, E = Error, X = Exclamation, H = Hand, I = Information, N = None, Q = Question, S = Stop W = Warning /D:default 1 = Button1, 2 = Button2, 3 = Button3 or use the default button's (English) caption /O:option H = HideConsole, N = NoEscape, R = RightAlign, L = RtlReading /R Return code tells which button was clicked (see Notes) /T:timeout timeout interval in seconds Notes: Use switches if you want to skip arguments. Always specify buttons BEFORE specifying default. Using the "HideConsole" option will hide the console window permanently, thereby disabling all console based user interaction (e.g. "ECHO" and "PAUSE"). It is intended to be used in scripts that run "hidden" themselves, e.g. VBScript with the WScript.exe interpreter. Do not use this option in a batch file unless hiding the console window permanently is intended. Linefeeds (\n or \012 and/or \r or \015), tabs (\t or \007), singlequotes (' or \047) and doublequotes (\" or \042) are allowed in the message string. Unicode characters (e.g. "\u5173" for "?") are allowed in the message string and in the title. By default, however, these linefeeds, tabs, quotes and Unicode characters will be escaped to allow correct display of paths. Use option "NoEscape" to disable all character escaping except doublequotes. The (English) caption of the button that was clicked is returned as text to Standard Output (in lower case), or "timeout" if the timeout interval expired. When using the timeout feature, A window with the current MessageBox's TITLE will be closed, not necessarily THE current MessageBox. To prevent closing the wrong MessageBox, use unique titles. The timeout feature should not be combined with buttons Abort Retry Fail; if it is, the MessageBox will remain open even after the timeout expires, until a button is clicked, and then return the "timeout" result. Unless the /R switch is used, the return code of the program is 0 if a button was clicked, 1 in case of (command line) errors, 2 if cancelled (this does require a Cancel button), 3 if the timeout expired. When the /R switch is used, the return code of the program is 1 if button 1 was clicked, 2 if button 2 was clicked, 3 if button 3 was clicked, 4 if the timeout expired, -1 in case of (command line) errors, or 0 if the MessageBox is cancelled without a Cancel button being available. Credits: Code to hide console by Anthony on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15079092 MessageBox timeout based on code by DmitryG on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14522952 Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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