(view help text of HasMouse.cs as plain text)
ERROR: Invalid command line switch /? HasMouse.exe, Version 4.00 Check the actual number of mice available at this very moment Usage: HasMouse.exe [ type ] [ output ] Type: /P count PS/2 mice only (default: all types) /S count Serial mice only (default: all types) /U count USB mice only (default: all types) Output: /Q Quiet mode: no screen output (default: count only) /V Verbose output: list properties (default: count only) Notes: This program requires elevated privileges; use version 3.00 if you cannot guarantee elevated privileges. Mouse types can be combined, e.g. /P /U for PS/2 and USB mice; if no type is specified, all types will be listed. Command line switches /Q and /V are mutually exclusive. The program's return code equals the number of matching mice detected, or -1 in case of (command line) errors. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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