(view help text of FontSelectBox.cs as plain text)
FontSelectBox.exe, Version 1.01 Batch tool to present a Font Select dialog and return selected font properties Usage: FONTSELECTBOX [ fontname ] [ options ] [ /R:return ] Where: fontname initial font name (default: Courier New) Options: /I:size Initial font size (default: 12) /MAX:size Maximum font size (default: 48) /MIN:size Minimum font size (default: 6) /P:property show only the requested Property for the selected font on screen, instead of "all" properties; property can be "Name", "Size", "Style", "Color", "RGB" or "CharSet" /C allow Color change (requires /E) /E allow Effects (e.g. strikeout and underline) /H allow "script" fonts only, no symbols /S allow Script (character set) change /V allow Vector fonts /X allow fiXed pitch fonts only Return: default return code 0 on valid selection, -1 on cancel or error /R:C Return code equals selected Character set number /R:R Return code equals RGB value of selected color /R:S Return code equals selected font Size (rounded) /R:Y Return code equals selected stYle: Regular = 0, Bold + 1, Italic + 2, Underline + 4, Strikeout + 8 e.g. return code 7 means Bold + Italic + Underline Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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