(view help text of CanonModel.cs as plain text)
CanonModel, Version 1.00 Return the Canon camera model for the specified image file Usage: FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CANONMODEL imagefile') DO SET camera=%%A or: CANONMODEL imagefile SET camera_number=%ErrorLevel% Notes: This version only detects PowerShot D* and EOS *D models. Works for unmodified Canon RAW or JPG images. Camera model is displayed on screen (e.g. "Canon EOS 50D") and returned as "errorlevel" (e.g. 50). An errorlevel 0 implies the image was not found or was not made with a Canon EOS *D or Canon PowerShot D* camera. The author is in no way associated with Canon Inc., besides being the owner of several Canon cameras. Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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