(view help text of Barcode.cs as plain text)
Barcode.exe, Version 1.01 Generate barcode bitmaps using EAN-13 TrueType font Usage: BARCODE outfile text [ options ] Where: outfile is the output file path (type: bmp, gif, jpg, png or tif) text is the text to be converted to barcode Options: /R:deg Rotate by number of degrees (multiple of 90; default: 0) /S:size font Size in pt (default: 48) /B:color Background color (default: white) /F:color Foreground color (default: black) Credits: Code to convert text to bitmap by RaviRanjanKr: https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/184102/Convert-Text-to-Image Font test by Jeff Hillman: https://stackoverflow.com/a/114003 EAN-13 font made available by Fontpalace.com: http://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/EAN-13/ Notes: If the required EAN-13 TrueType font is not installed, you will be prompted to download it. Though the font name may suggest that the barcode conforms to the EAN-13 standard, it does not! You have to validate the specified text yourself to make sure it is a valid EAN-13 code. Supported background and foreground colors are: Black, Blue *, Brown, Cyan *, Gold, Gray *, Grey *, Green *, LightYellow, Magenta *, Orange *, Pink, Red *, Silver, White, Yellow and YellowGreen (* means Dark and Light variants are also supported, e.g. DarkBlue). Return code ("errorlevel") equals the output image width in pixels, or -1 in case of errors. Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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