Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for AirRegPHCmd.cs

(view help text of AirRegPHCmd.cs as plain text)

AirRegPHCmd.exe,  Version 1.00
Search downloaded Dutch aircraft database (PH-***) for specific aircraft(s)

Usage:   AirRegPHCmd.exe   PH-***  [ PH-***  [ PH-***  [ ... ] ] ]

Where:   PH-***            is a Dutch aircraft registration "number"

Notes:   This program requires a downloaded aircraft registration file in
         Excel format, located in the subdirectory "PH"; the Excel file
         can be downloaded at:
         This program requires ExcelDataReader.dll, ExcelDataReader.DataSet.dll
         and ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll in the program's parent directory
         to read the Excel file; NuGet packages for these DLLs available at and
         Make sure to add the packages under References to recompile this code.
         Command line arguments are case insensitive, dashes are not required.
         Output is tab-delimited Registration, Manufacturer and Model for each
         command line argument.
         Return code ("errorlevel") equals the number of registrations found
         or -1 in case of errors.

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0058 seconds