(view help text of AirRegPHCmd.cs as plain text)
AirRegPHCmd.exe, Version 1.00 Search downloaded Dutch aircraft database (PH-***) for specific aircraft(s) Usage: AirRegPHCmd.exe PH-*** [ PH-*** [ PH-*** [ ... ] ] ] Where: PH-*** is a Dutch aircraft registration "number" Notes: This program requires a downloaded aircraft registration file in Excel format, located in the subdirectory "PH"; the Excel file can be downloaded at: https://www.ilent.nl/onderwerpen/luchtvaartuigregister/documenten /publicaties/2019/05/27/luchtvaartuigregister-aircraft-registration This program requires ExcelDataReader.dll, ExcelDataReader.DataSet.dll and ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll in the program's parent directory to read the Excel file; NuGet packages for these DLLs available at https://www.nuget.org/packages/ExcelDataReader/ and https://www.nuget.org/packages/ExcelDataReader.DataSet/ Make sure to add the packages under References to recompile this code. Command line arguments are case insensitive, dashes are not required. Output is tab-delimited Registration, Manufacturer and Model for each command line argument. Return code ("errorlevel") equals the number of registrations found or -1 in case of errors. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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