(view help text of ActivateWindow.cs as plain text)
ActivateWindow.exe, Version 1.03 Activate the specified window Usage: ActivateWindow.exe title [ title [ title ... ] ] [ /D ] [ /X ] or: ActivateWindow.exe progname /P or: ActivateWindow.exe /C Where: title is a (partial) title of the window to be activated (first matching title is used) progname is the executable name of the window to be activated (name only, no extension) Options: /C show Currently active window's title on screen /D Debug mode: show match used for partial title /P specified name is Program executable name (default: specified name is window title) /X window title and specified title must match eXactly (default: window title contains specified title) Notes: With /P switch, if no match is found, the program will try and strip an extension from progname if applicable, and search again. Return code 0 on success, 1 if no match, or -1 in case of errors. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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