Use this HTA to calculate dates. |
The names of the weekdays and months will be displayed in English by default, and in French, German and Dutch on French, German and Dutch systems respectively. |
Support for other locales is easily added, the list of locale IDs per country is included in the source code. |
If you want me to include a specific locale, send me a translated list of the names of the weekdays (starting with Monday) and months, together with your locale ID, and I'll include them in the next version. |
The locale ID can be found by starting this HTA with the /DEBUG command line switch. |
Some simple examples: |
Assume that it is Thursday, November 30, 2006, and that we want to calculate what weekday November 30, 2007 will be. |
Just select the next year from the drop-down list ... |
... and Friday November 30, 2007 is displayed. |
Want to know the date next week? Same trick, just increase the week by 1. |
Want to know the date on Wednesday in week 7 of 2009? |
Select 2009, then week 7, and finally Wednesday, and you'll get February 11. |
Version | Release Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Changes |
0.13 Beta | 2010-11-05 | Split up a large line of code to prevent "Type Mismatch" errors on some Windows XP systems. |
0.12 Beta | 2006-11-06 | Added support for French & German locales. |
0.11 Beta | 2006-10-31 | Adjusted window size to allow large screen fonts. |
0.10 Beta | 2006-10-31 | First public beta version. |
Checksums: File name: MD5: SHA1: | 33f06c2181f5b030506d5e7e1f34d0bf 04176bead82acef40210b2201f3fcb8fe96ca272 |
page last modified: 2016-09-19; loaded in 0.0052 seconds