There's one neat trick that involves the DATE or TIME command.
Sometimes, when redirecting standard output to temporary batch files, you need to process the first word in the redirected line.
The trick I have shown in several examples - using the first word as the name of another temporary batch file - will not work here, since we do not know that first word.
Now, as long as we know for sure that this first word cannot and will not be interpreted as a valid date or time string, we can redirect the string to DATE or TIME. Use FIND to filter out every line but the one containing the string "Enter the new date:".
Both DATE and TIME will display the string that was redirected to them, preceded by "Enter the new date:".
Do test this one thoroughly, though. Whether it will work or not depends on both the redirected strings and the DOS version/operating system.
Note: | Though this technique will work in Windows NT 4 and later (CMD.EXE), I recommmend using FOR /F instead.This prefix technique is a workaround at best for functionality missing in COMMAND.COM. |
The old version 1.03 of KillNTPr.bat is an sample batch file I created using this trick.
Use it to kill any process by its executable file name (the recent version 2.10 doesn't use temporary files, it uses FOR /F instead).
KillNTPr.bat uses TLIST.EXE and KILL.EXE from the Windows NT 4 Resource Kit.
By modifying the batch file you could use SysInternals' PSLIST.EXE and PSKILL.EXE, both from their PsTools set.
Windows XP users might prefer to use XP's native TASKLIST.EXE and TASKKILL.EXE commands.
Be careful with this command!
Modified.bat is another example of this technique. This one works in any DOS like environment (including OS/2 after replacing .BAT with .CMD everywhere in the batch file):
@ECHO OFF REM * MODIFIED.BAT, Version 1.01 REM * Check if specified file was created or modified today REM * Written by Rob van der Woude REM * REM * Needs write access to current directory; or add fully qualified REM * path to files CURRENT.BAT and its language dependent versions, REM * and make sure its path is specified in the PATH variable. REM * File name should be specified IF "%1"=="" GOTO Syntax IF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO Syntax REM * Send DIR output for specified file to primary temporary REM * batch file to get the file's creation or modification date DIR %1 | FIND /I "%1" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP TYPE %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP | TIME | FIND /I "%1" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Create secondary temporary batch files to be called by primary ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%4>ENTER.BAT REM * For Dutch DOS versions ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%5>VOER.BAT ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%6>TYP.BAT CALL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Send DIR output for temporary batch file to itself to get today's date DIR %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT | FIND /I "~ISMODIF.BAT" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP TYPE %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP | TIME | FIND /I "~ISMODIF.BAT" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Create secondary temporary batch files to be called by primary ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%4>ENTER.BAT REM * For Dutch DOS versions ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%5>VOER.BAT ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%6>TYP.BAT CALL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Compare dates and display result IF "%NOWDATE%"=="%CHKDATE%" ECHO %1 was created or modified today (%NOWDATE%) REM * Clean up the mess DEL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT DEL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP DEL ENTER.BAT DEL VOER.BAT DEL TYP.BAT SET CHKDATE= SET NOWDATE= GOTO End :Syntax ECHO MODIFIED, Version 1.01 ECHO Check if specified file was created or modified today ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude ECHO ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Usage: %0 filename :End
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DOS & Windows (including NT) |
OS/2 & NT | ZIPped |
See the Redirection page for a more detailed explanation of redirection to temporary batch files.
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