CERTUTIL is native in Windows 8 .. 11 (not sure about Vista and 7).
CERTUTIL.EXE -encodehex myfile.org myfile.hex format
The format
argument is optional.
The accepted values are discussed here.
Without a format
specified, the output will look like any hexadecimal's editor screen:
0000 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 72 73 This is the firs 0010 74 20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 0d 0a 41 6e 64 20 74 68 69 t line...And thi 0020 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 s is the second 0030 6f 6e 65 2e 0d 0a one...
To remove the addresses and text, use:
CERTUTIL.EXE -encodehex myfile.org myfile.hex 4
54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 72 73 74 20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 0d 0a 41 6e 64 20 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 6f 6e 65 2e 0d 0a
For a single-line hexadecimal string without spaces, use:
CERTUTIL.EXE -encodehex myfile.org myfile.hex 12
CERTUTIL.EXE -decodehex myfile.hex myfile.org
Addresses and text in the hexadecimal encoded file will be ignored.
You can use the following PowerShell code to encode to and decode from hexadecimal.
The encoding script code inserts spaces that are required by the decoding script's Split( )
$( Get-Content 'myfile.org' -Raw ).ToCharArray( ) | ForEach-Object { ( "{0:X2} " -f [int]$_ ) } | Out-File -FilePath 'myfile.hex' -NoNewline
The decoded output will be a single line with whitespace:
54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 72 73 74 20 6C 69 6E 65 2E 0D 0A 41 6E 64 20 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 73 65 63 6F 6E 64 20 6F 6E 65 2E 0D 0A
$( Get-Content 'myfile.hex' ).Trim( ).Split( ) | ForEach-Object { ( "{0}" -f [char][int]"0x$_" ) } | Out-File -FilePath 'myfile.org' -NoNewline
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