With the FOR
command you can create loops very much like For
and For Each
loops available in "true" scripting langauges.
Sometimes, however, we need a continuous loop, a.k.a. endless loop.
This is quite simple in batch, though it may not look intuitive (but what does in batch files?):
FOR /L %%A IN (0,0,1) DO ( REM Do something )
The only way to break out of this loop is pressing Ctrl+C
followed by Y
to confirm.
I tried to find a way out of the loop, i.e. an equivalent of the break
command available in several other languages, or Exit For
in VBScript.
Try and run the following code:
@ECHO OFF SET LoopCount=0 FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%A IN ("%Time%") DO SET Minutes=%%A FOR /L %%A IN (0,0,1) DO ( SET /A LoopCount += 1 SET LoopCount REM Try to break out of the loop as soon as the minute part of time has changed REM We cannot use %Time% here, as it would be interpreted at the start of the FOR loop and never change again FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%B IN ('TIME /T') DO ( IF 1%%B NEQ 1%Minutes% ( TITLE I want to get out GOTO OutOfLoop ) ) REM 1 second delay TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 > NUL ) :OutOfLoop REM This text will never appear ECHO You're out of the loop now
The FOR /F
loops are intended to break the loop when the minute in the current time changes.
Well, after a couple of seconds, the console's title bar does state "I want to get out", but the text "You're out of the loop now" never appears, and the batch file seems to hang.
I tried EXIT /B
instead of GOTO OutOfLoop
, but none of these delivered the expected result.
without /B
does break the loop, but will also end the batch file, so the text "You're out of the loop now" will never be displayed.
It is possible to make it work as expected, but the code won't win a beauty contest:
@ECHO OFF IF "%~1"==":Loop" GOTO :Loop SET LoopCount=0 FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%A IN ("%Time%") DO SET Minutes=%%A :: By using CMD /C to run the loop, the EXIT command will terminate the loop but not this batch file CMD.EXE /C "%~0" :Loop ECHO You're out of the loop now GOTO:EOF :Loop FOR /L %%A IN (0,0,1) DO ( SET /A LoopCount += 1 SET LoopCount FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%B IN ('TIME /T') DO ( IF 1%%B NEQ 1%Minutes% ( TITLE I want to get out EXIT ) ) REM 1 second delay TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 > NUL )
If you want the ability to break out of an "endless" loop programmatically and you want to keep it simple, forget about FOR
and use a "classic" GOTO
@ECHO OFF SET LoopCount=0 FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%A IN ("%Time%") DO SET StartMinutes=%%A :Loop SET /A LoopCount += 1 SET LoopCount :: 1 second delay TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 > NUL FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=:.-" %%A IN ("%Time%") DO SET CurrentMinutes=%%A IF 1%CurrentMinutes% EQU 1%StartMinutes% GOTO Loop :: End of Loop ECHO You're out of the loop now
Note: | I used indented code for the loop, to make the code more readable. An alternative would be comment lines at the start and end of the loop. |
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