Ever since Windows Vista, UAC (User Account Control) will prompt for confirmation and/or the administrator password when programs require administrator privileges (a.k.a. elevated privileges).
In scripts, more than one command may require elevated privileges, leading to repeated UAC prompts in a single script.
To avoid this, scripts can be started themselves with elevated privileges, so there will be only one single UAC prompt.
This web page discusses some techniques to check if the script is started with elevated privileges or not, and a technique to restart a script with elevated privileges if it wasn't
Note: | Many if not most of these techniques were submitted by visitors of this site, and have been published before on my More Clever Tips and Tricks page. |
To make a batch file check if it is running with elevated privileges, a commonly used technique is to just try and start a command (like AT
) that requires elevated privileges, and check the Errorlevel:
AT >NUL 2>&1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO This batch file requires elevated privileges EXIT /B 1 )
Nowadays, AT
is not recommended, as it requires the Windows Scheduler service to run, which is no longer the case on most systems.
is a commonly used replacement:
OPENFILES >NUL 2>&1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO This batch file requires elevated privileges EXIT /B 1 )
Note that in 64-bit Windows versions OPENFILES
is a 64-bit executable, and it will not run in a 32-bit process.
not running means FIND
will return an Errorlevel 1, making the batch file terminate whether it runs with elevated privileges or not.
Batch files requiring elevated privileges will rarely be run in a 32-bit process in 64-bit Windows, with the possible exception of temporary batch files created "on-the-fly" by other scripts.
I once had to debug an HTA that required elevated privileges, and used OPENFILES
to check.
It kept prompting me for elevated privileges regardless whether it had elevated privileges or not.
It turned out to be running as a 32-bit process in 64-bit Windows.
Note: | To determine if a batch file runs in a 32-bit process in 64-bit Windows, check the environment variables PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE and PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 :
or: SET PROCESSOR_ARCHITE | FIND "x86" && ECHO This is a 32-bit process More details can be found on David Wang's blog. |
So far, we tested for elevated privileges by running an executable that requires elevated privileges to run.
The following executable doesn't require elevated privileges, but the task we ask it to perform does:
CACLS "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO This batch file requires elevated privileges EXIT /B 1 )
This allows us to check if the executable is available (it should, on "modern" systems), so we can be certain that errorlevel 1 really means that there are no elevated privileges.
Especially when used in enterprise environments, with restricted privileges, it won't hurt to perform an extra check if our test executable is available at all.
The following command will always correctly detect if the script runs with elevated privileges, regardless of "bittedness" (in Windows 7 and later, not sure about Vista):
WHOAMI /Groups | FIND "12288" >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO This batch file requires elevated privileges EXIT /B 1 )
In VBScript, elevation is usually checked using the same external commands used in batch files:
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set objExec = wshShell.Exec( "OPENFILES" ) strResult = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll( ) intResult = objExec.ExitCode Set objExec = Nothing Set wshShell = Nothing If intResult = 0 Then WScript.Echo "This process has elevated privileges" Else WScript.Echo "This process does NOT have elevated privileges" End If
Try running the script with %windir%\SysWOW64\cscript.exe
in 64-bit Windows: it will tell you it has no elevated privileges, even if it does have them.
The reason is that in 64-bit Windows a 32-bit process cannot run 64-bit OPENFILES
Note: | Even though strResult seems obsolete in the example above, it is still required: (limited) testing revealed that objExec.ExitCode will not be set if objExec.StdOut is not read. |
may be a safer bet:
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set objExec = wshShell.Exec( "WHOAMI /Groups" ) strResult = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll( ) intResult = objExec.ExitCode Set objExec = Nothing Set wshShell = Nothing If InStr( strResult, "12288" ) Then WScript.Echo "This process has elevated privileges" Else WScript.Echo "This process does NOT have elevated privileges" End If
It will correctly tell you if the script has elevated privileges or not, regardless of matching "bittedness" of OS and process.
As we saw before, batch files and VBScript require workarounds to check for elevated privileges.
In PowerShell, however, elevation can be truly and properly checked with the following code, provided by Denis St-Pierre:
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent( ) ) if ( -not ($currentPrincipal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ) ) ) { Write-Error "This script must be executed in admin mode." -ErrorAction Stop }
Evan Greene demonstrated a technique to set (or actually: prompt for...) elevated privileges if necessary in his BatchGotAdmin page.
The core to this technique is the following temporary VBScript code, created on-the-fly, where "%~s0"
is the batch file's (short) path:
Set UAC = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ) UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1
This script is started only if required, and after running it the calling batch file will be aborted.
The (temporary) script restarts the batch file ("%~s0"
) with elevated privileges ("runas"
You may want to extend the second line of the temporary script to take into account (batch) command line arguments ("%*"
) and batch files not running in the current directory ("%~snx0"
and "%~sdp0"
UAC.ShellExecute "%~snx0", "%*", "%~sdp0", "runas", 1
Check the Shell.ShellExecute reference for more details.
Note: | If the script is restarted with elevated privileges, it will run in a new process. Any variables set in the script so far are lost, so make sure the test for elevation and optional restart is the first thing the script does. You may also want to limit the number of restarts/retries, in case the user just doesn't have the credentials required for elevated privileges. |
Thanks for Denis St-Pierre, Aaron Thoma and Kevin Ridenhour for their contributions, and David Wang and Evan Greene for the information provided on their website and blog.
page last modified: 2016-09-19; loaded in 0.0016 seconds