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Use this HTA version to convert between decimal numbers and Attic numerals. |
To convert decimal numbers to Attic numerals, just type a decimal number in the "Decimal" field. The "Attic Numerals" field will be updated while you type. |
To convert Attic numerals to decimal numbers, you need to use the buttons to "type" the Attic numeral. The "Decimal" field will be updated while you type. |
To clear the "Decimal" and "Attic Numerals" fields, use the "Clear" button. |
Unlike most of my HTAs, this one does not come with an auto update feature. |
More information on Attic numerals can be found on WikiPedia. |
Version | Release Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Changes |
1.01 | 2018-01-23 | Minor changes to make the HTA more HTML 5 and CSS 3 compliant. |
1.00 | 2016-01-31 | First public release. |
Checksums: File name: MD5: SHA1: |
atticnumerals.zip 4ee74bec2c2acfdeb6ab5f5b90259f96 af29adee36daef6594e70c95fe7fb5c4118c9e68 |
page last modified: 2018-01-23; loaded in 0.0033 seconds