Mike Castle posted the following interesting solution to display the amount of physical memory in NT.
It uses native NT commands only.
In article <9c94nn$n54$1@news.kolumbus.fi>, Petri Paunonen <petri.paunonen@brandtgroup.fi> wrote: >How could I dump the memsize of ram in simple form to a text file ? @echo off winmsd /s for /f "tokens=2" %%v in ('findstr /r "^...Total:" %COMPUTERNAME%.txt') do set mem=%%v del %COMPUTERNAME%.txt for /f %%v in ('set /a %mem:,=% / 1024') do set mem=%%v echo %mem% -- Mike Castle Life is like a clock: You can work constantly dalgoda@ix.netcom.com and be right all the time, or not work at all www.netcom.com/~dalgoda/ and be right at least twice a day. -- mrc We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen
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I have used this idea to create a batch file, GetRAM.bat, that displays the amount of RAM on the local NT 4 system:
@ECHO OFF :: Enable command extensions and save initial environment VERIFY OTHER 2>NUL SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Unable to enable command extensions GOTO End ) :: Check parameters IF /I [%1]==[] SET SWITCH=/V IF /I [%1]==[/Q] SET SWITCH=/S IF /I [%1]==[/S] SET SWITCH=/S IF /I [%1]==[/V] SET SWITCH=/V IF [%SWITCH%]==[] GOTO Syntax :: Use WINMSD.EXE to check the amount of RAM installed START /W WINMSD.EXE /S :: Read the amount of RAM installed from WINMSD's report FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=: " %%A IN ('TYPE %COMPUTERNAME%.TXT ^| FIND "Total:" ^| FIND /V "\"') DO SET RAM=%%A :: Delete WINMSD's report DEL %COMPUTERNAME%.TXT :: Add 1023 to round up, or :: add 512 for "mathematical" rounding, or :: add 0 (or "rem out" next line) to round down SET /A RAM = %RAM:,=% + 1023 SET /A RAM = %RAM:,=% / 1024 :: Use switch to determine display format IF [%SWITCH%]==[/S] ( ECHO %RAM% ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Total amount of RAM installed: %RAM% MB ) GOTO End :Syntax ECHO. ECHO GetRAM.bat, Version 1.10 for Windows NT ECHO Displays the amount of RAM installed on this PC in MB ECHO. ECHO Idea: Mike Castle ECHO Posted on alt.msdos.batch.nt, April 26, 2001 ECHO Extended by Rob van der Woude ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com ECHO. ECHO Usage: %~n0 [ /Q ^| /S ^| /V ] ECHO. ECHO Switches: /Q ^(quiet^) and /S ^(silent^) display the amount of RAM ECHO installed on the computer as a number only ECHO /V ^(verbose^) also tells what it is displaying ^(default^) ECHO. ECHO This batch file uses NT's native WINMSD.EXE to check the amount of ECHO RAM installed. ECHO If you find it too slow and you have a copy of the Windows NT ECHO Resource Kit you can use MEMORY.BAT instead. ECHO MEMORY.BAT uses PSTAT.EXE to check the amount of RAM installed, ECHO which is a lot faster. ECHO MEMORY.BAT is available at http://www.robvanderwoude.com too. :End ENDLOCAL
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This is the long awaited update for Windows 2000, GetRAM2K.bat:
@ECHO OFF :: Enable command extensions and save initial environment VERIFY OTHER 2>NUL SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Unable to enable command extensions GOTO End ) :: Check parameters SET PC=%ComputerName% ECHO.%1 | FIND "\\" >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ( FOR /F "tokens=* delims=\" %%A IN ('ECHO.%~1') DO SET PC=%%A SHIFT ) IF /I [%1]==[] SET SWITCH=/V IF /I [%1]==[/Q] SET SWITCH=/S IF /I [%1]==[/S] SET SWITCH=/S IF /I [%1]==[/V] SET SWITCH=/V IF [%SWITCH%]==[] GOTO Syntax :: Check Windows version VER | FIND "Windows NT" >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO NT4 VER | FIND "Windows 2000" >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO W2K GOTO Syntax :NT4 :: Check if remote computer was specified by accident IF DEFINED PC GOTO Syntax :: Use WINMSD.EXE to check the amount of RAM installed START /W WINMSD.EXE /S :: Read the amount of RAM installed from WINMSD's report FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=: " %%A IN ('TYPE %COMPUTERNAME%.TXT ˆ| FIND "Total:" ˆ| FIND /V "\"') DO SET RAM=%%A :: Delete WINMSD's report DEL %COMPUTERNAME%.TXT :: Add 1023 to round up, or :: add 512 for "mathematical" rounding, or :: add 0 (or "rem out" next line) to round down SET /A RAM = %RAM:,=% + 1023 SET /A RAM = %RAM:,=% / 1024 :: Use switch to determine display format IF [%SWITCH%]==[/S] ( ECHO %RAM% ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Total amount of RAM installed: %RAM% MB ) GOTO End :W2K :: Delete old temporary file if it exists IF EXIST "%Temp%.\%PC%.txt" DEL "%Temp%.\%PC%.txt" :: Use WINMSD.EXE and MSINFO32.EXE to check the amount of RAM installed START /W WINMSD.EXE /computer %PC% /categories +SystemSummary /report "%Temp%.\%PC%.txt" :: Wait for the temporary report file to be generated -- though START /W did :: wait for WINMSD.EXE to complete, WINMSD.EXE only started MSINFO32.EXE and :: then terminated without waiting for MSINFO32.EXE to finish :Wait IF NOT EXIST "%Temp%.\%PC%.txt" ( PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL GOTO :Wait ) :: Parse the relevant data from the temporary report file :: Delims is a TAB followed by a SPACE FOR /F "tokens=4,5 delims= " %%A IN ('TYPE "%Temp%.\%PC%.txt" ˆ| FIND /I "Total Physical memory"') DO ( SET RAM=%%A SET Multiplier=%%B ) :: Wait and retry if the file existed but was still being written IF NOT DEFINED RAM GOTO :Wait :: Parse the result and convert to MB SET RAM=%RAM:,=% SET RAM=%RAM:.=% SET Div=1048576 SET Mup=1 SET Rnd=1048575 IF "%Multiplier%"=="KB" ( SET Div=1024 SET Rnd=1023 ) IF "%Multiplier%"=="MB" ( SET Mup=1 SET Div=1 SET Rnd= ) IF "%Multiplier%"=="GB" ( SET Mup=1024 SET Div=1 SET Rnd= ) SET /A RAM = %RAM% + %Rnd% SET /A RAM = %RAM% * %Mup% / %Div% :: Use switch to determine display format IF [%SWITCH%]==[/S] ( ECHO %RAM% ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Total amount of RAM installed on \\%PC%: %RAM% MB ) GOTO End :Syntax ECHO. ECHO GetRAM.bat, Version 2.00 for Windows NT 4 / 2000 ECHO Displays the amount of RAM in MB installed on this PC ˆ(or a remote PC, in ECHO Windows 2000 only!ˆ) ECHO. ECHO Idea: Mike Castle ECHO Posted on alt.msdos.batch.nt, April 26, 2001 ECHO Extended by Rob van der Woude ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com ECHO. ECHO Usage: %~n0 [ \\remote_pc ] [ /Q ˆ| /S ˆ| /V ] ECHO. ECHO Switches: \\remote_pc remote computer name ˆ(Windows 2000 only!ˆ) ECHO /Q ˆ(quietˆ) display the amount of RAM installed on the ECHO computer as a number only ECHO /S ˆ(silentˆ) same as /Q ECHO /V ˆ(verboseˆ) also tells what it is displaying ˆ(defaultˆ) ECHO. ECHO This batch file uses NT's native WINMSD.EXE to check the amount of RAM ECHO installed. ECHO If you find it too slow and you have a copy of the Windows NT 4 Resource ECHO Kit you can use MEMORY.BAT instead. ECHO MEMORY.BAT uses PSTAT.EXE to check the amount of RAM installed, which is a ECHO lot faster. ECHO MEMORY.BAT is available at http://www.robvanderwoude.com too. :End ENDLOCAL & SET RAM=%RAM%
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My own solution to the same question on alt.msdos.batch.nt was to use PSTAT.EXE from the NT Resource Kit)
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=K " %%A IN ('PSTAT | FIND "Memory:"') DO SET MEM=%%A :: The following command line determines the rounding method. :: Add 0 to round down, 1023 to round up, or 512 for "mathematical" rounding. SET /A MEM = %MEM% + 1023 SET /A MEM = %MEM% / 1024
The result was Memory.bat. It is much faster (PSTAT.EXE does not check hard disks, as WINMSD.EXE does), it does require the NT Resource Kit, whereas GetRAM.BAT uses native NT commands only.
@ECHO OFF IF [%1]==[] GOTO Begin ECHO. ECHO Memory.bat, Version 1.01 for NT 4 with Resource Kit ECHO Displays the amount of RAM installed on this PC in MB ECHO. ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com ECHO. ECHO Use GETRAM.BAT instead if you do not have a copy of the Windows ECHO NT Resource Kit available. ECHO GETRAM.BAT is based on an idea posted on alt.msdos.batch.nt by ECHO Mike Castle. It uses NT's native WINMSD.EXE instead of PSTAT.EXE ECHO from the Resource Kit. However, it is much slower than this batch ECHO file. ECHO GETRAM.BAT is available at http://www.robvanderwoude.com too. ECHO. ECHO Total installed RAM in MB: :Begin :: Use PSTAT.EXE from the NT 4 Resource Kit :: to find the amount of RAM installed (in KB) FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=K " %%A IN ('PSTAT ^| FIND "Memory:"') DO SET RAM=%%A :: The following command line is added to round up instead of down; :: change the value from 1023 to 512 for "mathematical" rounding, :: or remove the line to round down SET /A RAM = %RAM% + 1023 :: Convert from KiloBytes to MegaBytes SET /A RAM = %RAM% / 1024 :: Display the result ECHO.%RAM%
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