VBScript Scripting Techniques > Network > Ping
Win32_PingStatus | |
VBScript Code: | |
WScript.Echo "www.robvanderwoude.com on-line: " & Ping( "www.robvanderwoude.com" ) Function Ping( myHostName ) ' This function returns True if the specified host could be pinged. ' myHostName can be a computer name or IP address. ' The Win32_PingStatus class used in this function requires Windows XP or later. ' This function is based on the TestPing function in a sample script by Don Jones ' http://www.scriptinganswers.com/vault/computer%20management/default.asp#activedirectoryquickworkstationinventorytxt ' Standard housekeeping Dim colPingResults, objPingResult, strQuery ' Define the WMI query strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '" & myHostName & "'" ' Run the WMI query Set colPingResults = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2").ExecQuery( strQuery ) ' Translate the query results to either True or False For Each objPingResult In colPingResults If Not IsObject( objPingResult ) Then Ping = False ElseIf objPingResult.StatusCode = 0 Then Ping = True Else Ping = False End If Next Set colPingResults = Nothing End Function |
Requirements: | |
Windows version: | XP, Server 2003, or Vista |
Network: | TCP/IP |
Client software: | N/A |
Script Engine: | any |
Summarized: | Works in Windows XP or later. Doesn't work in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4 or 2000. |
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System Scripting Runtime | |
VBScript Code: | |
WScript.Echo "www.robvanderwoude.com on-line: " & PingSSR( "www.robvanderwoude.com" ) Function PingSSR( myHostName ) ' This function returns True if the specified host could be pinged. ' myHostName can be a computer name or IP address. ' This function requires the System Scripting Runtime by Franz Krainer ' http://www.netal.com/ssr.htm ' Standard housekeeping Dim objIP Set objIP = CreateObject( "SScripting.IPNetwork" ) If objIP.Ping( myHostName ) = 0 Then PingSSR = True Else PingSSR = False End If Set objIP = Nothing End Function |
Requirements: | |
Windows version: | Windows 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP, Server 2003 or Vista |
Network: | TCP/IP |
Client software: | System Scripting Runtime |
Script Engine: | any |
Summarized: | Works in Windows 98 and later with System Scripting Runtime is installed, with any script engine. |
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