A collection of shutdown commands for most DOS and Windows versions and scripting languages.
OS (1) | Command line | Effect | Remarks |
W10 | RUNDLL32 powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState Sleep | Sleep | |
W7 | SHUTDOWN /s /t 60 /c "Shutdown in progress, leave the vicinity immediately" | Shutdown in 60 seconds, with warning message | Use -m \\remote_computer to shutdown/logoff a remote computer. |
W7 | SHUTDOWN /p | Immediate shutdown without warning | |
W7 | SHUTDOWN /l | Logoff | |
W7 | SHUTDOWN /h | Hibernate (or sleep if hibernate is disabled) | |
XP Pro | NLTEST /server:localhost /shutdown:"Shutting down, just for fun" 60 | Shutdown in 1 minute, displaying the "reason" in a popup | Use a remote server name instead of localhost to shutdown that remote server. |
XP Pro | NLTEST /server:localhost /shutdown_abort | Abort the shutdown in progress | Use a remote server name instead of localhost to abort a shutdown in progress on that remote server. |
XP Pro | WMIC OS Where Primary=TRUE Call Shutdown | Immediate shutdown | Use WMIC's /NODE switch to shutdown a remote computer. |
XP Pro | WMIC OS Where Primary=TRUE Call Reboot | Immediate reboot | Use WMIC's /NODE switch to reboot a remote computer. |
XP Pro | WMIC OS Where Primary=TRUE Call Win32Shutdown 4 | Forced logoff (0+4) | n can be any of the following numbers:
0 Logoff 1 Shutdown 2 Reboot +4 Force 8 Poweroff |
XP Pro | WMIC OS Where Primary=TRUE Call Win32Shutdown 12 | Forced poweroff (8+4) | |
XP | SHUTDOWN -r -t 10 | Delayed reboot | Reboot after a 10 seconds delay. Can be stopped during those 10 seconds using SHUTDOWN -a |
XP | SHUTDOWN -s -t 01 | Delayed shutdown | Shutdown after a 1 second delay, NO poweroff. |
XP | SHUTDOWN -i | Interactive use with GUI | Can be used to shutdown multiple computers. |
TS | LOGOFF 16 /SERVER:termserv1 | Logoff | Logoff session 16 on Terminal Server TERMSERV1. Use the QUERY USER command to find out which session ID belongs to whom.Find more Terminal Server commands. |
TS | TSSHUTDN 45 /SERVER:termserv1 /POWERDOWN /DELAY:20 /V | Delayed poweroff | Notify all users on Terminal Server TERMSERV1, logoff all Terminal Server sessions after 45 seconds, wait another 20 seconds, and then shut down Terminal Server TERMSERV1 and power off. See my Terminal Server Commands page for the exact syntax. |
W2K (5) | DEVCON Reboot | Reboot | Requires Microsoft's DEVCON utility |
W2K | RUNDLL32 PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState | Activate suspend state | |
W2K | RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,LockWorkStation | Lock | Credits: Steven Clements (posted on alt.msdos.batch.nt) |
NT+ (1) | PSSHUTDOWN -d -t 0 | Suspend | Uses PSSHUTDOWN.EXE from SysInternals' PS Tools. |
NT+ (1) | PSSHUTDOWN \\mynt4srv -K -F -T 20 | Delayed poweroff | Poweroff \\mynt4srv after a 20 seconds delay. Can be aborted using PSSHUTDOWN \\mynt4srv -A Uses PSSHUTDOWN.EXE from SysInternals' PS Tools. |
NT+ (1) | PSSHUTDOWN \\myw2ksrv -O -F -T 0 | Logoff | Immediately logoff console user on \\myw2ksrv Uses PSSHUTDOWN.EXE from SysInternals' PS Tools |
SHUTDOWN /L /R /T:0 /Y | Reboot | Immediate shutdown & reboot |
SHUTDOWN /L /T:10 /Y /C | Delayed shutdown | Shutdown in 10 seconds, close without saving. Can be stopped during those 10 seconds using SHUTDOWN /A |
NT4 | See Reboot NT on my Solutions found in alt.msdos.batch page | Reboot | Reboot immediately |
NT4 | RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,ExitWindowsEx RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,ExitWindowsEx |
Logoff | Most systems require the command to be called twice before logging off |
Win98/ME | RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx n | Any | n can be any of the following numbers: (4):
0 Logoff 1 Shutdown 2 Reboot +4 Force 8 Poweroff (if supported by the hardware) |
Win98/ME | RUNONCE.EXE -q | Reboot (4) | |
Win98 | RUNDLL32 KRNL386.EXE,exitkernel | Poweroff | Poweroff for ATX boards only, otherwise normal shutdown (3) |
Win9* | RUNDLL USER.EXE,ExitWindows | Shutdown (2) | |
Win9* | RUNDLL USER.EXE,ExitWindowsExec | See Remarks | Win95: various results, usualy fast shutdown (and lock PC), sometimes restart Windows, sometimes reboot. Win98: Restart Windows, sometimes reboot. |
Win9* | RUNDLL SHELL.DLL,RestartDialog | Restart dialog | "System Settings Changed, Do you want to restart your computer now?" dialog |
Win31* | ECHO G=FFFF:0000| DEBUG | Task Manager popup | And sometimes reboot |
DOS | ECHO G=FFFF:0000| DEBUG | Reboot | Warm boot, sometimes cold boot. May not work with "exotic" memory managers, like Quarterdeck's QEMM or DesqView; in that case, use RESET.COM instead. |
PowerShell | Restart-Computer -Force | Reboot | Immediately reboot the local computer. |
PowerShell | Restart-Computer -ComputerName "remotepc" -Confirm -Force | Reboot | Reboot remote computer "remotepc", prompt for confirmation on local computer first. |
PowerShell | Stop-Computer -Force | Shutdown | Immediately shutdown the local computer. |
PowerShell | Stop-Computer -ComputerName "remotepc" -Confirm -Force | Shutdown | Shutdown remote computer "remotepc", prompt for confirmation on local computer first. |
PowerShell | Stop-Process -ProcessName * | Blue Screen | Kills all running processes immediately without confirmation, resulting in a "Blue Screen Of Death". |
KiXtart | $RC = SHUTDOWN( "\\server", "Shutting down...", 10, 1, 0 ) | Delayed shutdown | Shutdown \\server in 10 seconds, with message, close without saving, no reboot |
KiXtart | $RC = SHUTDOWN( "\\server", "", 0, 1, 1 ) | Reboot | Immediately shutdown & reboot \\server, without a message |
KiXtart | $RC = LOGOFF( 1 ) | Logoff | Forcing applications to close. Use 0 instead of 1 if you don't want to force applications to close |
KiXtart | $RC = SetSystemState( 0 ) | Lock | Requires KiXtart 4.51 or later |
KiXtart | $RC = SetSystemState( 1 ) | Standby | Requires KiXtart 4.51 or later |
KiXtart | $RC = SetSystemState( 2 ) | Hibernate | Requires KiXtart 4.51 or later. |
KiXtart | $RC = SetSystemState( 3, 0 ) | Poweroff | Power off with prompt to close applications. Use SetSystemState( 3, 1 ) to close applications without prompting. Requires KiXtart 4.51 or later |
Perl | InitiateSystemShutdown( $sComputer, $sMessage, $uTimeoutSecs, $bForce, $bReboot ) | General syntax (ActivePerl for Windows only) | |
Perl | InitiateSystemShutdown( "", "", 0, 1, 1 ) | Reboot | Immediately reboot without message, force applications to close without saving data |
Perl | InitiateSystemShutdown( "", "Going down...", 10, 0, 1 ) | Delayed reboot | Reboot after 10 seconds, with message and without forcing applications to close |
Perl | InitiateSystemShutdown( "", "Sorry", 5, 1, 0 ) | Delayed shutdown | Shutdown of remote computer after 5 seconds, with message and forced closing of applications |
Regina Rexx | RC = W32SysShutdown( how [,force] ) | General syntax (Regina Rexx for Windows with W32Funcs only).how can be either Reboot, Logoff, Poweroff or Shutdown.force can be either Force or Noforce. |
Regina Rexx | RC = W32SysShutdown( "P", "F" ) | Poweroff | Immediately shutdown and poweroff, forced closing of application |
Regina Rexx | RC = W32SysShutdown( "L", "N" ) | Logoff | Logoff, prompt for saving unsaved data |
WSH | [1] Set OpSysSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}//./root/cimv2").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Primary=true") [2] [3] for each OpSys in OpSysSet [4] OpSys.Reboot( ) [5] next |
Reboot | Requires WMI. Remove [line numbers]. (by Alex K. Angelopoulos) |
WSH | Replace line 4 in the script above with this one:[4] OpSys.Shutdown( ) to shut down the PC instead of rebooting it. |
Shutdown | But no poweroff. See my WSH page for examples on how to reboot or shut down remote computers too. |
WSH | [1] Const EWX_LOGOFF = 0 [2] [3] Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}") [4] Set objSet = wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem") [5] [6] For Each obj in objSet [7] Set os = obj [8] Exit For [9] Next [10] [11] os.Win32Shutdown EWX_LOGOFF |
Logoff | Requires WMI. Remove [line numbers]. (Posted by Michael Harris on microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript) My Logoff.vbs combines this code with that of the reboot and shutdown commands, and allows logoff of remote computers as well. |
WSH | Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ) Shell.ShutdownWindows |
Open the Shutdown dialog | Based on the Advanced Stuff listing on groups.msn.com/windowsscript/. |
OS/2 | START /PM SHUTDOWN && EXIT | Shutdown | Will still stop and ask for confirmation if a non-PM application is active |
OS/2 | SETBOOT /B | Reboot | Unconditional shutdown & reboot from default Boot Manager entry. (Mailed by Rick Curry) |
OS/2 | SETBOOT /IBD:C: | Reboot | Unconditional shutdown & reboot from C: drive |
OS/2 | SETBOOT /IBA:nonsense | Shutdown | Unconditional shutdown & failing reboot. Needs Boot Manager installed. Will reboot, no questions asked, and then stop if nonsense is an invalid Boot Manager menu entry (which, in this case, is exactly what we want). |
OS/2 | LOGOFF | Logoff | Both LAN Server client and Peer |
Notes: | (1) | DOS | MS-DOS or PC-DOS |
Win31* | Windows 3.1, 3.11 or 3.11 for Workgroups | ||
Win9* | Windows 95 or 98 | ||
Win98 | Windows 98 | ||
Win98/ME | Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (ME) | ||
NT+ | Windows NT 4, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 | ||
NT4 | Windows NT 4 (not Windows 2000, XP, etc.) | ||
NT4+RK | Windows NT 4 with Resource Kit | ||
W2K | Windows 2000 | ||
W2K+RK | Windows 2000 with Resource Kit | ||
XP | Windows XP | ||
XP Pro | Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 | ||
W7 | Windows 7 (and Windows Server 2008 R2), 8, 10 and 11 | ||
W10 | Windows 10 and 11 | ||
TS | Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition or Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server with Terminal Server installed | ||
PowerShell | Windows XP or later with PowerShell installed | ||
KiXtart | Windows (any) with KiXtart | ||
Perl | Windows (any) with ActivePerl | ||
Regina Rexx | Windows (any) with Regina Rexx and W32Funcs | ||
WSH | Windows (NT 4 or later) with Windows Script Host | ||
OS/2 | OS/2 Warp 3 and 4, LAN Server and Warp Server | ||
(2) | Thanks for Bill James and Tom Lavedas, for the information on RUNDLL. Find more RUNDLL examples I collected on my RUNDLL page. |
(3) | Thanks for Sasha Predii for posting this information. Find more RUNDLL examples I collected on my RUNDLL page. |
(4) | See article Q234216 in the Microsoft Knowledge base for more information. Thanks for Alec Soroudi for pointing out this information. Windows NT also has a RUNONCE.EXE, but I am not sure what its purpose is — RUNONCE.EXE -q does not shut down NT. |
(5) | Requires Microsoft's DEVCON utility |
FoolishIT's ShutdownUnless is a safe way to schedule server reboots, aborting the reboot if any client connections are active.
Jorgen Bosman's PowerOff for all Windows (32-bits) versions can power off, shutdown or reboot your PC, log you off, lock your workstation, go to standby or hibernation mode and even wake up another PC.
All actions can be done locally or on a remote PC (if it is running PowerOff).
The actions can be performed immediately or scheduled, by using its built-in scheduler.
This tool can be used both as a GUI or as a command line tool.
Gibson Research's Wizmo is a collection of tools integrated in a single package.
Among its functions are shutdown, reboot, hibernate and logoff.
SysInternals' PSSHUTDOWN can perform logoffs, poweroffs, shutdowns and reboots on both local and remote Windows NT 4/2000/XP systems.
A must-have for mixed Windows environments.
NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface.
By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can restart windows or shut down the computer, write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values into INI file, dial to your internet account or connect to a VPN network, create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display settings, turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-ROM drive, and more...
For Windows XP (and later) use the native POWERCFG command to configure Standby and Hibernate (and more).
Lock, Logoff, Reboot, Shutdown, Hibernate, Standby in .NET by Thiagarajan Alagarsamy.
How To Restart Computers Remotely via PowerShell by Jeffery Hicks
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