(view source code of airreg.ps as plain text)
param (
[parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter a 5 or six character airplane registration code:" )]
[parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false )]
[object]$invalidArgs = ""
$OldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
function Show-Help {
param ( [string]$error = "" )
if ( $error -ne "" ) {
Write-Host "Error:`t" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host $error
Write-Host "AirReg.ps1, Version 1.01"
Write-Host "Search an airplane's type and model by its registration"
Write-Host "Usage: AirReg.ps1 reg [ -OpenWebPage ]"
Write-Host "Where: reg is the airplane registration `"number`", e.g. `"G-FLUG`""
Write-Host " -OpenWebPage opens Airport-data.com's web page for the airplane,"
Write-Host " if " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline
Write-Host "it exists"
Write-Host "Notes: The script uses Airport-data.com's API to find the airplane's data."
Write-Host " The author of this script is not affiliated in any way with"
Write-Host " Airport-data.com."
Write-Host " The script accepts piped input for the registration `"number`", but"
Write-Host " not for the -OpenWebPage switch."
Write-Host " If multiple registrations are passed on the command line, the script"
Write-Host " will abort with an error message. If multiple registrations are piped,"
Write-Host " however, the script will handle only the last one and ignore the rest."
Write-Host "Written by Rob van der Woude"
Write-Host "http://www.robvanderwoude.com"
Exit 1
# Check if the mandatory registration "number" isn't empty
if ( $reg.Trim( ) -eq "" ) {
# Check if too many arguments were passed on the command line or piped
if ( $invalidArgs -ne "" ) {
if ( $invalidArgs -eq "/?" ) {
} else {
Show-Help "Invalid or too many command line argument(s)"
function Open-URL {
param( [string]$url )
if ( $HOME[0] -eq "/" ) {
# Linux
$browser = ( ( xdg-settings get default-web-browser ) -Split "\." )[0]
# Redirect standard output to hide "Vector smash protection is enabled" message
Start-Process -FilePath $browser -ArgumentList $url -RedirectStandardOutput NUL
} else {
# Windows
Start-Process $url
function Get-Model {
param ( [string]$reg = "", [string]$url = "" )
$reg = $reg.ToUpper( ).Trim( )
$url = $url.Trim( )
$model = ""
if ( ( $reg -ne "" ) -and ( $url -ne "" ) ) {
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$html = ( Invoke-WebRequest -URI $url ).Content
$ProgressPreference = $OldProgressPreference
$regex = [regex]"[\?\&]field=model[\&\`"][^>]*>([^<]+)<"
$match = $regex.Match( $html )
$model = $match.Groups[1].ToString( )
function Search-PlaneByReg {
param ( [string]$reg )
$model = ""
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$result = ( Invoke-webrequest -URI "http://www.airport-data.com/api/ac_thumb.json?r=$reg" ).Content | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
$ProgressPreference = $OldProgressPreference
if ( $result.status -eq 200 ) {
$url = $result.data.link
$model = Get-Model -reg $reg -url $url
if ( $OpenWebPage ) {
Open-URL $url
$reg = $reg.ToUpper( ).Trim( )
if ( $reg -eq "/?" ) {
if ( ( $reg.Replace( "-", "" ).Length -lt 5 ) -or ( $reg.Replace( "-", "" ).Length -gt 6 ) ) {
Show-Help "Invalid registration code `"$reg`""
try {
$model = Search-PlaneByReg -reg $reg
if ( $model -eq "" ) {
$reg = $reg.Replace( "-", "" )
$reg = $reg.Substring( 0, 1 ) + "-" + $reg.Substring( 1 )
$model = Search-PlaneByReg -reg $reg
} else {
Write-Host "$reg`t" -NoNewline
if ( $model -eq "" ) {
$reg = $reg.Replace( "-", "" )
$reg = $reg.Substring( 0, 2 ) + "-" + $reg.Substring( 2 )
$model = Search-PlaneByReg -reg $reg
} else {
Write-Host "$reg`t" -NoNewline
if ( $model -eq "" ) {
} else {
Write-Host "$reg`t" -NoNewline
catch {
Show-Help $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host $model
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0145 seconds