Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Command line parameters

Batch files can only handle parameters %0 to %9

%0 is the program name as it was called,
%1 is the first command line parameter,
%2 is the second command line parameter,
and so on till %9.

OK, tell me something new.

Since %0 is the program name as it was called, in DOS %0 will be empty for AUTOEXEC.BAT if started at boot time.
This means that, in AUTOEXEC.BAT, you can check if it is being started at boot time or from the command line, for example to prevent loading TSRs twice.



The batch file's limitation to handle parameters up to %9 only can be overcome by using SHIFT.
Let us assume your batchfile is called with the command line parameters A B C D E F G H I J K.
Now %1 equals A, %2 equals B, etcetera, until %9, which equals I. However, %10 does not equal J but A0; %10 is interpreted as %1, immediately followed by a 0.
Does that mean the rest of the parameters is lost? Of course not.
After your batch file handled its first parameter(s) it could SHIFT them (just insert a line with only the command SHIFT), resulting in %1 getting the value B, %2 getting the value C, etcetera, till %9, which now gets the value J.
Continue this process until at least %9 is empty.
Use a loop to handle any number of command line parameters:

IF "%1"=="" GOTO Continue
   • Here your batch file handles %1
Note: IF "%1"=="" will cause problems if %1 is enclosed in quotes itself.
In that case, use IF [%1]==[] or, in NT 4 (SP6) and later only, IF "%~1"=="" instead.

In Windows NT 4, 2000 and XP you can SHIFT the command line parameters starting from the nth positions using SHIFT's /n switch, where n can be any (integer) number between 0 and 8: SHIFT /4 will leave %0 through %3 untouched, and shift %5 to %4, %6 to %5, etcetera.
To use this feature, Command Extensions should be enabled.

An easy work-around in NT 4 and later is:

FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
      • Now your batch file handles %%A instead of %1

No need to use SHIFT anymore.



Some characters in the command line are ignored by batch files, depending on the DOS version, whether they are "escaped" or not, and often depending on their location in the command line:

I know of several occasions where these seemingly useless "features" proved very handy.
Keep in mind, though, that these "features" may vary with the operating systems used.

More on command line parsing can be found on the PATH and FOR (especially FOR's interactive examples) pages.


More options in Windows NT 4/2000/XP

Windows NT 4 introduced a set of new features for command line parameters:

%CmdCmdLine% will return the entire command line as passed to CMD.EXE
%* will return the remainder of the command line starting at the first command line argument (in Windows NT 4, %* also includes all leading spaces)
%~dn will return the drive letter of %n (n can range from 0 to 9) if %n is a valid path or file name (no UNC)
%~pn will return the directory of %n if %n is a valid path or file name (no UNC)
%~nn will return the file name only of %n if %n is a valid file name
%~xn will return the file extension only of %n if %n is a valid file name
%~fn will return the fully qualified path of %n if %n is a valid file name or directory
Note: %CmdCmdLine% and %* will leave all delimiters intact, except, in Windows 2000 and later, leading spaces before the first argument

Windows 2000 and XP add even more options.
More information can be found at the page explaining NT's CALL command.

To remove the leading space of %* included by NT 4 use the following commands:

SET commandline=%*
IF NOT CMDEXTVERSION 2 SET commandline=%commandline:~1%


Validate command line arguments using GOTO

Note: Please read the Best Practices section on command line input validation

A tip by Oliver Schneider:

original code, broken in CMD.EXE (Windows NT 4 and later):

GOTO:%~1 2>NUL
ECHO Invalid argument: %1
ECHO Usage:  %~n0  number
ECHO Where:  number may be 1, 2 or 3 only
REM Code to do something with the validated argument starts here
REM End of batch file
Note: This tip dates back to way before the Windows NT era.
In CMD.EXE (Windows NT 4 and later), a batch file exits if an invalid label is specified, unless the next line tests for ERRORLEVEL 1.

improved code for CMD.EXE:

GOTO:%~1 2>NUL
	ECHO Invalid argument: %1
	ECHO Usage:  %~n0  number
	ECHO Where:  number may be 1, 2 or 3 only
REM Code to do something with the validated argument starts here
REM End of batch file

For a limited number of allowed arguments, this is a time saving technique.

Do note, however, that labels are case sensitive, so you may not want to use this technique for "string type" arguments.
Also keep in mind that labels cannot contain delimiters (space, comma, semi-colon, etcetera), they must be unique, and that only the first 8 characters are used (so the first 8 characters must be unique!).

This technique is best used when each valid value for %1 has its own batch code to process it:

GOTO:%~1 2>NUL
	ECHO Invalid argument: %1
	ECHO Usage:  %~n0  number
	ECHO Where:  number may be 1, 2 or 3 only

REM Preprocess value 1
GOTO Common

REM Preprocess value 2
GOTO Common

REM Preprocess value 3

REM Common processing of preprocessed values
REM End of batch file
Note: Note the extra IF ERRORLEVEL 1 test I added.
It is required to make the code work in Windows 7 and 8 too.

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