Ever since the earliest DOS versions the RENAME
and its "twin" (or alias?) REN
have been around to allow us to change file names:
REN or RENAME Renames a file or files. RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2. REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2. Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.
You can even use wildcards in filename1
(and filename2
) to rename, say, all your (very) old MS-DOS (ASCII) help files from *.doc to *.txt:
REN *.doc *.txt
If I remember correctly, in the old MS-DOS days, it was possible to append characters to the file name using the command:
REN *.txt *1.txt
Try that in Windows (XP) and you'll get *.txt1.txt
The proper way to do this in NT is:
FOR %%A IN (*.txt) DO REN "%%~fA" "%%~nA1.*"
For each *.txt
file, "%%~fA"
resolves to the (doublequoted) fully qualified path, and %%~nA1
to the original file name only, with a 1
appended, and .*
to leave the extension unaltered.
Justin taught me an undocumented REN
feature to chop off everything from a file name after the last occurrence of a specified character:
REN testfile.txt *s
will rename testfile.txt
to tes
REN testfile.txt *t
will not change the name at all (remember: the last occurrence...?).
REN testfile.txt *st
will rename testfile.txt
to test
Does that mean chop off everything after the last occurrence of st
? No it doesn't:
REN testfile.txt *sa
will rename testfile.txt
to tesa
, so it seems to mean chop off everything after the last s
and then append an a
REN testfile.txt *a
will rename testfile.txt
to testfile.txta
You can rename folders with the MOVE
MOVE d:\path\folder1 folder2
where folder2
is a folder name only (not a fully qualified path).
Make sure folder2
does not exist, neither in d:\path
nor in the current folder, or the previous command will really move folder2
into folder1
(making folder2
a subfolder of folder1
Likewise, MOVE
can be used to rename and move files all in one go:
MOVE d:\path1\oldfilename1 e:\path2\newfilename2
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