To verify if a variable is defined, we usually check if it has a non-empty value:
IF "%MyVar%"=="" ECHO MyVar is NOT defined
This works, provided the value of MyVar does not contain doublequotes.
In Windows NT 4's CMD.EXE a new IF statement was introduced: IF DEFINED
To quote IF
's on-screen help:
The DEFINED conditional [...] takes an environment variable name and returns true if the environment variable is defined.
Note: | This does require the Command Extensions to be enabled, so make sure you check this before using IF DEFINED . |
The following code will show if a variable MyVar was defined or not:
IF DEFINED MyVar (ECHO MyVar IS defined) ELSE (ECHO MyVar is NOT defined)
The following code, which works in batch files for all MS-DOS, Windows and OS/2 versions, uses an alternative way to show if a variable is defined or not:
IF "%MyVar%"=="" ECHO MyVar is NOT defined IF NOT "%MyVar%"=="" ECHO MyVar IS defined
Whereas the IF DEFINED
method will fail if command extensions are disabled, the second method will fail if MyVar's value contains doublequotes.
Besides, the second method will always fail on the command line in CMD.EXE (though it worked in COMMAND.COM) because undefined variables are treated as literals on the command line.
You may strip MyVar's value of its doublequotes, but then the IF
statement might fail if MyVar's value contains characters like >, <, |, & or even parentheses.
So the safest way (for CMD.EXE) seems to be the IF DEFINED
method combined with a check if command extensions are enabled:
Now let's investigate variables a little further in Windows NT 4 and later.
Type the following commands on the command line, or copy them to a batch file and run that batch file:
IF "%Date%"=="" (ECHO Date is NOT defined) ELSE (ECHO Date IS defined) IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined) ECHO Date = %Date% SET Date
The result will look like this:
C:\>IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined ) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined )
Date IS defined
C:\>IF "06-06-2008" == "" (ECHO Date is NOT defined ) ELSE (ECHO Date IS defined )
Date IS defined
C:\>ECHO Date = 06/06/2008
Date = 06-06-2008
C:\>SET Date
Environment variable Date not defined
Note my highlighting: the last command, SET Date
, tells us that the variable Date is not defined, but we can clearly see it is.
Let's modify our test batch file:
CLS IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined) ECHO Date = %Date% SET Date PAUSE SET Date=Some Other Value IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined) ECHO Date = %Date% SET Date PAUSE SET Date= IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined) ECHO Date = %Date% SET Date
Run it again, and the result will look like this:
C:\>IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined ) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined ) Date IS defined C:\>ECHO Date = 06/06/2008 Date = 06/06/2008 C:\>SET Date Environment variable Date not defined C:\>PAUSE Press any key to continue . . . C:\>SET Date=Some Other Value C:\>IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined ) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined ) Date IS defined C:\>ECHO Date = Some Other Value Date = Some Other Value C:\>SET Date Date=Some Other Value C:\>PAUSE Press any key to continue . . . C:\>SET Date= C:\>IF DEFINED Date (ECHO Date IS defined ) ELSE (ECHO Date is NOT defined ) Date IS defined C:\>ECHO Date = 06/06/2008 Date = 06/06/2008 C:\>SET Date Environment variable Date not defined
Go ahead, run the batch file several times, and try to figure out what is happening and why.
Hint: | In Windows NT 4 and later, Date is one of those variables that are always defined, but don't normally show up in the list when you issue the SET command without any command line arguments.
If you set the Date variable yourself, then it does show up in the list.Other "hidden" variables are __APPDIR__ , CD , __CD__ , CMDCMDLINE , CMDEXTVERSION , ERRORLEVEL , RANDOM and TIME .
For more details, see the SET page. |
It looks like these "hidden" variables are defined, but the SET
command doesn't see them as defined unless their values are set in the CMD.EXE session (or one of its parent sessions).
By "dropping" their values in the CMD.EXE session (SET Date=
), they get back their dynamic (or system) values again.
So now we have a way to check if a "hidden" variable still has its dynamic system value, or a static "custom" value:
SET Date >NUL 2>&1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Date still has its dynamic system value ) ELSE ( ECHO Date has been set with a static value )
The following batch file demonstrates the differences between the 4 "defined check methods" for static variable COMSPEC
vs all dynamic variables:
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ECHO Demonstrating check if defined methods for static variable COMSPEC vs dynamic variables ECHO. :: COMSPEC is a static variable, the others are dynamic variables :: SET /P "=text" ^< NUL is used to echo text without linefeed FOR %%A IN (COMSPEC __APPDIR__ CD __CD__ CMDCMDLINE CMDEXTVERSION DATE ERRORLEVEL RANDOM TIME) DO ( SET /P "=Using IF DEFINED : " < NUL IF DEFINED %%A ( ECHO Environment variable %%A IS defined ) ELSE ( ECHO Environment variable %%A is NOT defined ) SET /P "=Using comparison : " < NUL IF "%%~A"=="" ( ECHO Environment variable %%A is NOT defined ) ELSE ( ECHO Environment variable %%A IS defined ) SET /P "=Using SET : " < NUL SET %%A SET /P "=Using ECHO : " < NUL ECHO %%A=!%%A! ECHO. ) ENDLOCAL
When run, the output will look like this:
Demonstrating check if defined methods for static variable COMSPEC vs dynamic variables Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable COMSPEC IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable COMSPEC IS defined Using SET : ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe Using ECHO : COMSPEC=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable __APPDIR__ IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable __APPDIR__ IS defined Using SET : Environment variable __APPDIR__ not defined Using ECHO : __APPDIR__=C:\Windows\system32\ Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable CD IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable CD IS defined Using SET : Environment variable CD not defined Using ECHO : CD=C:\Scripts Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable __CD__ IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable __CD__ IS defined Using SET : Environment variable __CD__ not defined Using ECHO : __CD__=C:\Scripts\ Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable CMDCMDLINE IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable CMDCMDLINE IS defined Using SET : Environment variable CMDCMDLINE not defined Using ECHO : CMDCMDLINE=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /S /D /c" C:\Scripts\testdefined.bat" Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable CMDEXTVERSION IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable CMDEXTVERSION IS defined Using SET : Environment variable CMDEXTVERSION not defined Using ECHO : CMDEXTVERSION=2 Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable DATE IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable DATE IS defined Using SET : Environment variable DATE not defined Using ECHO : DATE=2025-03-04 Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable ERRORLEVEL IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable ERRORLEVEL IS defined Using SET : Environment variable ERRORLEVEL not defined Using ECHO : ERRORLEVEL=1 Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable RANDOM IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable RANDOM IS defined Using SET : Environment variable RANDOM not defined Using ECHO : RANDOM=15417 Using IF DEFINED : Environment variable TIME IS defined Using comparison : Environment variable TIME IS defined Using SET : Environment variable TIME not defined Using ECHO : TIME=02:04:33.25
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