class Computer { static [string]$Version = '1.00' static [string]$Copyrights = 'Rob van der Woude' static [string]$ProductPage = '' static [string]$Help = @" Computer class, Version {0} Make basic hardware infomation available in a class Copyrights {1} {2} {3} How to use: =========== Create an instance of the Computer class using the following command: `$computer = [Computer]::New( ) After gathering hardware information for a couple of seconds, `$computer will have the information available through its properties and methods: --------- --------- ------------------------------- ---------- Property: DataType: Information on this computer's: WMI class: --------- --------- ------------------------------- ---------- Name System.String computer name IPAddress System.String local IP address BIOS System.Object BIOS root/CIMV2/Win32_BIOS CDROM System.Object CD-ROM drive(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_CDROMDrive CPU System.Object processor(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_Processor HDD System.Object harddisk(s) root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_PhysicalDisk Keyboard System.Object keyboard(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_Keyboard MainBoard System.Object main board root/CIMV2/Win32_BaseBoard Memory System.Object memory root/CIMV2/Win32_PhysicalMemory Monitor System.Object monitor(s) root/WMI/WmiMonitorID Mouse System.Object mouse (or mice) root/CIMV2/Win32_PointingDevice NIC System.Object physical network adapter(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_NetworkAdapter Printers System.Object physical local printer(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_Printer Slots System.Object system slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot Sound System.Object sound card(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_SoundDevice USB System.Object USB controller(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_USBController Video System.Object video card(s) root/CIMV2/Win32_VideoController Windows System.Object Windows version root/CIMV2/Win32_OperatingSystem WinSat System.Object WinSat system scores root/CIMV2/Win32_WinSAT --------- --------- ---------- ---------- Property: DataType: Number of: WMI class: --------- --------- ---------- ---------- _AGP System.Int32 AGP slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _AGP2X System.Int32 AGP2X slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _AGP4X System.Int32 AGP4X slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _AGP8X System.Int32 AGP8X slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _Cardbus System.Int32 Cardbus slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _CDROMs System.Int32 CD-ROM drives root/CIMV2/Win32_CDROMDrive _COMPorts System.Int32 serial ports root/CIMV2/Win32_SerialPort _EISA System.Int32 EISA slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _HDDs System.Int32 harddisk drives root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_PhysicalDisk _ISA System.Int32 ISA slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _LPTPorts System.Int32 parallel ports root/CIMV2/Win32_ParallelPort _MemoryGB System.Int32 GigaBytes of memory root/CIMV2/Win32_PhysicalMemory _MemoryModules System.Int32 memory modules root/CIMV2/Win32_PhysicalMemory _MemorySockets System.Int32 memory sockets root/CIMV2/Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray _Monitors System.Int32 monitors root/WMI/WmiMonitorID _PCI System.Int32 PCI slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _PCIE System.Int32 PCI-E slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _PCIX System.Int32 PCI-X slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _PCMCIA System.Int32 PCMCIA slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot _USB2 System.Int32 USB controllers (except USB 3) root/CIMV2/Win32_USBController _USB3 System.Int32 USB 3 controllers root/CIMV2/Win32_USBController _VESA System.Int32 VESA slots root/CIMV2/Win32_SystemSlot Static Members: =============== ----------------------- ------------ ------ Properties and Methods: Description: Value: ----------------------- ------------ ------ [Computer]::Version This class' version {0} [Computer]::Copyrights Author's name {2} [Computer]::ProductPage This class' webpage {3} [Computer]::Help This help text [Computer]::OpenProductPage( ) Open this class' webpage [Computer]::New( ) Create new instance of this class "@ -f [Computer]::Version, [char]0x00A9, [Computer]::Copyrights, [Computer]::ProductPage static [void]OpenProductPage( ) { Start-Process -FilePath $( [Computer]::ProductPage ) } [string]$Name = $Env:ComputerName [string]$IPAddress = $( [System.Net.Dns]::Resolve( $Env:ComputerName ).AddressList.IPAddressToString ) [object]$BIOS [object]$CDROM [object]$CPU [object]$HDD [object]$Keyboard [object]$MainBoard [object]$Memory [object]$Monitor [object]$Mouse [object]$NIC [object]$Printers [object]$Slots [object]$Sound [object]$USB [object]$Video [object]$Windows [object]$WinSat [int]$_AGP [int]$_AGP2X [int]$_AGP4X [int]$_AGP8X [int]$_Cardbus [int]$_CDROMs [int]$_COMPorts [int]$_EISA [int]$_HDDs [int]$_ISA [int]$_LPTPorts [int]$_MemoryGB [int]$_MemoryModules [int]$_MemorySockets [int]$_Monitors [int]$_PCI [int]$_PCIE [int]$_PCIX [int]$_PCMCIA [int]$_USB2 [int]$_USB3 [int]$_VESA Computer( ) { $this.BIOS = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS ) $this.CDROM = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_CDROMDrive | Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch 'virtual' } ) $this.CPU = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor ) $this.HDD = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Namespace root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage ) $this.Keyboard = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Keyboard ) $this.MainBoard = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard ) $this.Memory = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemory ) $this.Monitor = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName WmiMonitorID -Namespace root/WMI ) $this.Mouse = $( Get-CimInstance -Classname Win32_PointingDevice ) $this.NIC = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object { $_.Speed -gt 0 } ) # physical adapters only $this.Printers = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Printer | Where-Object { $_.PrintProcessor -ne 'winprint' -and $_.Local } ) # physical local printers only $this.Slots = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_SystemSlot ) $this.Sound = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_SoundDevice | Where-Object { $_.Manufacturer -ne 'Microsoft' } ) # physical soundcards only $this.USB = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_USBController ) $this.Video = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController ) $this.Windows = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem ) $this.WinSat = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_WinSAT -Filter "TimeTaken='MostRecentAssessment'" ) $this._AGP = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 73 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._AGP2X = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 81 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._AGP4X = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 82 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._AGP8X = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 99 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._Cardbus = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 52 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._CDROMs = $( $this.CDROM | Measure-Object ).Count $this._COMPorts = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_SerialPort | Measure-Object ).Count $this._EISA = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 45 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._HDDs = $( $this.HDD | Measure-Object ).Count $this._ISA = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 44 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._LPTPorts = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ParallelPort | Measure-Object ).Count $_Memory = 0 $this.Memory.Capacity | ForEach-Object { $_Memory += $_ } $this._MemoryGB = $( $_Memory / 1GB ) $this._MemoryModules = $( $this.Memory | Measure-Object ).Count $this._MemorySockets = $( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray ).MemoryDevices $this._Monitors = $( $this.Monitor | Measure-Object ).Count $this._PCMCIA = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -gt 46 -and $_.ConnectorType -lt 51 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._PCI = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 43 -or $_.ConnectorType -eq 80 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._PCIE = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 100 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._PCIX = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 88 } | Measure-Object ).Count $this._USB3 = $( $this.USB | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'USB ?3' } | Measure-Object ).Count # not very reliable, as this relies on the description $this._USB2 = $( $this.USB | Measure-Object ).Count - $this._USB3 # total number of USB controllers - number of USB 3 controllers $this._VESA = $( $this.Slots | Where-Object { $_.ConnectorType -eq 46 } | Measure-Object ).Count } }