FileHistory.exe, Version 1.00 Save a timestamped copy of any monitored file when it is changed Usage: FileHistory sourcedir destination [ filters ] [ options ] Where: sourcedir is the directory to monitor destination is the directory where backups will be kept filters optional file type filter(s), e.g. "*.txt" (default: "*.*" i.e. all files) Options: /H exclude Hidden files /O exclude locked MS-Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint files /R:pattern exclude files matching regular expressions pattern /X:pattern exclude files matching DOS files pattern Notes: Unlike Microsoft's built-in File History, this program can monitor ANY directory, not just the user libraries. Specified source and destination directories must both exist. You may use as many filters as you like, e.g. *.doc* *.xls* *.ppt* to monitor MS-Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. When using /O to exclude locked MS-Office files, a backup copy will be saved as soon as the locked MS-Office file is closed, unless it is identical to the last backup of that file. Use /R to specify a regular expressions pattern for files to be excluded, or /X to specify (multiple) DOS file pattern(s). Multiple DOS file patterns can be combined by using a semicolon for separator and embedding the combined pattern in doublequotes, e.g. /X:"~$*.doc*;~$*.xls*" to exclude MS-Office Word and Excel lock files. Command line switches /R and /X may be used simultaneously. This program will keep running until the Enter key is pressed. Return code is 0 when all goes well, or -1 on (command line) errors. Written by Rob van der Woude